Choosing top Quality Frozen Fish Suppliers
Posted by Mohammed Shahul Hameed on October 29th, 2016
Fish on the menu has always been a delightful experience, in equal measure for its deliciousness and nutrient value. Frozen fish products essentially seal the nutrients while maintaining palatability. Choosing the right suppliers for frozen fish which makes its way to the refrigerator from distant waters will ensure that the meal will be as good as can be. Additionally it will help stave off apprehensions of contamination. Learn how to spot the best frozen fish suppliers who can add quality to your meal through the following tips.
Suppliers with advanced processing facilities
Frozen fish suppliers need to possess adequate and advanced processing facilities. This will ensure that at every stage of the processing, the fish are not exposed to contamination or pathogens that will seriously affect the health of those consuming the frozen products. Quality suppliers will embrace the technological advances to offer better products to consumers. Packaging has to be world class so as to travel long distances, without any changes in the status of the products.
Suppliers following a proper process of grading
Grading the entire range of products as per variety and size and presentation is a requirement that should have no compromises. This is more so in the case of meeting requirements of specific religions such Jewish law etc. Frozen fish suppliers who have and follow a proper procedure of grading the products will ensure that the buyers will not get misled. After all, a buying experience should not end with the buyer unwrapping a wrong product.
Qualified personnel at processing lines
Companies that strive to maintain high quality at their production lines will hire the best personnel to oversee processing. Microbiologists will diligently check the produce and processing lines for any signs of contamination. Quality frozen fish suppliers will always ensure that all personnel adhere to best practices. Reputed firms will be fully aware of the responsibilities a supplier has towards the consumer in ensuring that only the best products reach consumers.
Suppliers certified to be compliant with international standards
Certification of compliance with international standards should ideally be mandatory for frozen fish suppliers. This will demonstrate intent of the company to follow laid down practices and policies that will in turn translate into providing the best products to customers. It is important to understand that suppliers who are compliant with different international requirements will have the best overall facilities and procedures.
About the author:
Tanperch Ltd is one of the divisions of renowned Quality Group Limited (QGL). QGL is one of the largest and most respected business conglomerates in Tanzania with strong interest in diverse businesses such as construction, media, automotive, bi-wheeler, farm equipment, tires, fabrication & erection works, food processing, shopping malls, real estate etc.