has been made over the last few years on wigs in particular color

Posted by ufgbghd on December 19th, 2016

I discover the blog that I find absolutely brilliant! I was looking for a site where I could finally share my worries that have practically all in common and who knows maybe to meet people in the Paris area "like me" if I dare say :).

I have a total alopecia (no hair, no eyelashes, no eyebrows, no hairs! I have good makeup techniques for camouflage ;-)) which started at 7 years old. I am 30 years old and I wear wigs since the age of 10 years! I know it can shock some.
It is very rare to meet a child wearing a wig! So imagine the ragards in public places! It's awful.

It is certain that the turn of the adolescence really was not easy in the 90s the wigs were not really made for the young people. But huge progress has been made over the last few years on wigs in particular color, cuts and COMFORT !! We get accustomed to the presence of the wig but we do not forget it! The only hurry I have is to be able to REMOVE it once the day is over! It is clear that we are much more comfortable without!

So when we talk about wig I know a ray !!

For a year I went to a wig with natural hair and I can tell you that there is a difference! I found in Paris a shop where prices are very very reasonable whether it is for wigs synthetic or natural!

Since these long years to wear wigs I can tell you that I tested the biggest brands that are in general quite honorable! Finally....

So far I have lived almost without hair u part wig, I have only vague memories of my long and curly little girl hair .... snifff!
But it is necessary to do with and accept it is not always easy, not the choice to live otherwise. From time to time morale takes a hell of a blow !!

I think that made it a hell of courage to face and accept this!

I would be delighted to be able to share and exchange tips and tricks.

Big kisses to all, stay courageous and keep hope
see you soon

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Joined: October 25th, 2016
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