Developing responsive website is not a joke!
Posted by mentorshouse on January 7th, 2017
Developing a responsive website is really a tough task and it is very important to hire a company that has a knowledge of developing such site instead of blaming others for it. It mainly depends on the expert execution of techniques and tools such as CSS preprocessors, frameworks, and user detection agents. When that does not happen, it leads to unnecessary residual files and junk that adds to the file size. A bloated web page will load lethargically - and the blame usually falls on responsive website design as a technique. The actual fault is in the implementation. Owning a powerful gun does not make anyone a good shooter. It is not the culprit here, bad implementation is.
Before hiring any company it is very important to ask them do you know the time spent in loading the responsive website. An experiment conducted by Forbes in 2016 shows that 1-second pages have more conversion rates compared to 5-second pages. Ideal page size should be less than 2MB at all costs and loading should be 3 second your limit whereas all development agencies take almost 2 seconds as a standard time. A perfect responsive website design that loads in 2 or 3 seconds is possible, settling for any less is well - mediocre. (Note: Do not test load times on slow internet speeds! Test it on a high-speed broadband internet connection. The load times we mentioned are on high-speed broadband connections only.
The responsive website has become a demand in today’s scenario as most of the visitors use smart phones. Thus fonts and images of your website should be in such manner that able to clearly seen by the visitors. It is also very important to load it properly, as slow loading will distract your customers and will thus lead to lose the business.
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