"I still remember when fire strike was able to hit up those NPC humans around lumbridge for up to 7 damage.Even when you first learnt the spell."
"I am gad you took out the useless spells from ancients plus ancients and lunars used to be rune eaters but this is working just fine,no way jose people still likes eoc it is a faster way of getting through dungeon for me before eoc since the dungeon weapons does not have special attacks it took a while longer to kill the monsters and even the bosses omg was more of a pain"
"The only reason everyone thinks they hate the eoc is because people are to lazy to learn if you would sit down and learn the abilities bossing and dung are so much more advanced. sorry there is a bit of thinking involved. If u want the old style play old school we gave you what you wanted why ruin our game."
"One thing in order to play rs i had to adjust to eoc and the abilities are not really that bad come on it means getting done with my slayer tasks a little faster and that when i am maging i am not using up a lot of runes and i can stay in and fight without having to get out and rc in a middle of a slayer task like before eoc."
"For the time being new combat settings and Revolution are a very welcome improvement. but it's still not enough to make me play with as much passion as i used to."
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About the Author
CheriseSu Joined: December 22nd, 2016 Articles Posted: 40