What Defines A Good Abortion Clinic in Bangalore,India?
Posted by webonlineforu on February 2nd, 2017
Abortion clinics in India are quite easy to come by. This is mainly because abortion has been a legal practice in India since 1971. Therefore, abortion clinics in India do not only serve pregnant women in India but they extend the services to international patients from countries where abortion is illegal.
With the legalization of abortion; there has been quite an increase in the number of abortion clinics in India. However, not all these clinics have the proper licenses to carry out abortion procedures nor do they have the facilities to carry out safe abortion procedures.
Thus when in need of abortion clinics in India, you should be looking for a clinic with the following qualities:
- Highly qualified and experienced doctors – Abortion is a very sensitive matter and can be a matter of life and death. There have been many reported cases where the abortion procedure has gone south resulting in maternal deaths. In such cases the main problem has always been inexperienced and unqualified medical practitioners.
Thus, before seeking any abortion services from an abortion clinic in India, you should ascertain that the concerned doctors are well qualified, licensed and have the necessary experience.
- Adequate medical facilities and equipment – Abortion procedures are carried out using specialized medical equipment that are safe and fit for the procedure. Not many abortion clinics in India have the right tools and equipment to carry out safe abortion procedures.
You should always inquire to ascertain that the abortion hospital is well equipped with modern and the most advanced abortion procedure equipment.
- Licence – Abortion clinics in India should be licenced to carry out abortion procedures. Licensing is a critical part of any clinic or medical institution. You should not have abortion procedures in unlicensed clinics as these are illegal and you might easily find yourself on the wrong side of the law.
- Post abortion care – Post abortion care is a critical part of the abortion procedure. A good abortion clinic should have the doctors follow up after the abortion procedure and offer post abortion care services just to ensure that everything goes on well as expected. This will also enable the woman who has undergone the abortion procedure to heal fast and resume her daily activities as soon as possible.
The above few tips will go a long way in helping you identify a good abortion clinic in India. One such clinic is Bangalore Genesis Hospital& Abortion Clinic located in Bangalore India. This hospital offers some of the best abortion services in the whole of India and is also the #1 choice for International patients.
The medical equipment available here are the most advanced and the best in the medical field. The doctors have been trained in some of the top medical institutions in the world and each of them has at least ten years of experience.