Improve The Health Of Community By Organizing Nutrition Education Program In Phi
Posted by Ethan Smith on February 21st, 2017
Nutrition helps to provide energy to your body, just like your car needs fuel or a battery needs to be recharged, so does your body. The importance of nutrition in attaining optimum health can never be over-emphasized. What you eat will determine how often you fall sick, how obese you become, how physically fit you are, how long you will live and a host of other vital factors. Therefore, it is essential to understand what you are feeding your body.
Although many countries are putting a lot of thought into providing best nutrition education to its citizens, there are a number of places where residents are unaware of it. The importance of nutrition education programs in Philadelphia and other places as a means of improving the nutrition of the community in developing countries has increased rapidly during the recent years. Lack of awareness about the dietary requirements and nutritive value of different foods is the main cause of prevailing malnutrition among school children, pregnant women, lactating mothers, and other vulnerable sections of the community.
Nutrition education should be practical and should be easily adaptable to the socio-economic status. Nutrition education program should become a part of the community. The main objectives of nutrition education programs include:
To develop nutrition advisory services and nutrition education programs for the public.
To participate and coordinate in community nutrition programs with the cooperation of people working in another discipline like social workers, village health workers, and nurses, etc.
To help in developing supplementary nutrition program wherever necessary.
To improve the nutritional levels of the community by the available means.
The nutritional status of the community is the sum of the nutritional status of individuals who form the community. The main aim of nutritional assessment of a community is to know the magnitude and geographical distribution of malnutrition as a public problem, to analyze the factors responsible for it, and to effectively plan to control and eradicate them to maintain good nutrition.
Nutrition education is an important component in improving dietary habits and food choices, in order to reverse the problem of undernutrition and improve the nutritional diagnosis. Poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity can be the main reason for poor nutritional status in the community. After nutritional education is delivered, nutritional knowledge, nutritional attitudes, and dietary habits can be improved significantly.
Author’s Bio: Author is an online blogger. This article is about nutrition education program in Philadelphia.
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