Why customer service matters?

Posted by Martin Emily on February 24th, 2017

We love to receive great customer service. As consumers, it makes us feel good. Consumers now rate customer service as the most important factor when deciding to do business with the company. This means the traditional competitive advantages such as price, location and products are rapidly disappearing. In the technological era, customer service is king. Sad to say but when it comes to customer service, we’ve all had a bad experience and this bad customer service reaches more than twice as many ears as praise the good customer service.

Avoid creating a bad customer experience

So it’s really important to understand and avoid certain behaviors that make our customer angry. In a recent survey: 57% of customers expressed frustration that the company was not available when needed; 56% of customers felt the customer service is still so slow and 42% of customers felt that they had to speak to multiple agents before their problem is resolved.

The consequences of getting customer service wrong can be damaging

A massive 89% of customers have reported that they’ve stopped doing business with companies because of bad customer service. Nobody wants to work for a failing business and even worse if the trend continues, there might not be a business at all. Poor customer service is a factor in eight out of ten businesses that go bust.

The increasing influence of social media

 It’s important to recognize the ever increasing influence of internet and social media on customer service. Social media outlets have given customers a megaphone to voice their complaint’s to an increasingly connected population. Twitter, Facebook and others are rife with customer stories mostly negative with game changing impacts on customer service. A massive 20% of consumers would now take revenge on a company by posting a negative comment online. And social media is a channel for over 20 million complaints across all sectors during the past 12 months.

The true value of good customer service

Avoiding customer complaints is only one of many reasons why you need to get customer right. There are a lot of benefits for you and the company you work for. It’s true that nobody enjoys working for an organization that feels like a sinking ship. If the customer is happy, you will be too. It will allow you to focus on proactive opportunities and stop you feeling like you’re in a constant reactive firefighting mode. Good customer service fuels positive publicity in the media allowing you to be proud of what you do.

Create loyal customers

Most importantly, happy customers become loyal customers and loyal customers are very valuable indeed. They’re willing to spend more, refuse to switch services and crucially they’re very likely to spread the love and recommend your services to others.

How do you create these magical loyal customers?

#1 Friendly employees or customer service representatives

#2 The ability to easily find information or help they need

#3 Personalize experiences

#4 Brands with a good reputation

It really is down to you. We hope that you can use above information to shape how you interact with customers every day. And if you need more help, we’re delighted to inform you that we can provide you with the best customer relationship management tool in the market. Antbuddy provides you with our cloud-based solutions which help you optimize your customer support and improve your productivity through a unified workspace. For more information, feel free to visit us at antbuddy.com

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Martin Emily

About the Author

Martin Emily
Joined: January 29th, 2017
Articles Posted: 7

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