Calgary Roofers: Do I Need to Replace My Roof

Posted by steve7876 on March 19th, 2017

Calgary Roofing Companies regularly get calls from homeowners who aren’t sure if their roof is ready for an overhaul. Most of the time, when we get asked that question the roof is in need repair, if not a total overhaul. Wondering if you should give a roofing company in Calgary a call? There are a few good signs that your roof is reaching the end of its usefulness.

calgary-roofer-1024x683If you notice water coming into your house whenever it rains, that’s a pretty good sign your roof is leaking and needs to be re-done. One small leak isn’t cause for immediate alarm, but if you notice dark spots on your ceiling that are growing you most likely have a pretty bad leak. If your house is leaking, it is definitely time to call a team of Calgary roofers to come have a look at your house to see whether your needs a repair or a replacement. If your roof is leaking you don’t want to leave it too long without getting it looked at, the problem can get worse and it can cause mold and mildew to grow, potentially causing health issues for you and your family. If you aren’t sure, the residential roofers from United Roofing can come check out the state of your roof.

Curling/Missing Shingles
While curling or buckling shingles are not as obvious as leaks, they are also a big sign that your roof has gone past its prime and you may need to have roofing companies in Calgary come and replace it. Not sure if your shingles are buckling? Head outside and look at your slopes when it is getting direct sunlight – see some curled shingles? Missing shingles? It’s time to call the Calgary roofers from United Roofing about getting the job done right.

Granules in the Gutters
The last time you were out cleaning your gutters did you find tons of granules that kind of look like sand? It’s safe to say that in Alberta it’s highly unlikely that your gutters are full of sand – it’s most likely granules coming off of your shingles. As your roof ages, your shingles will start shedding. If you are finding lots of granules or black paper in your gutter or on the ground around your house, you know that it is time to contact a qualified Calgary roofing company like United Roofing to come take a look for you. Our Calgary roofers will give you peace of mind.

Rust/Roof Rot
It’s not just asphalt shingles that let you know when it’s time to redo your roof. Metal and wood roofs also have tell-tale signs of being past their prime. For metal roofs, it is rust. Even though metal roofing materials have a long lifespan, they can occasionally rust. With wooden shingles like cedar, roof rot can occur, but it happens less frequently here in Alberta than in more humid climates like the Maritimes. For both rust and rot, you should have a professional roofing company in Calgary come check out your roof and give you an idea of what it will take to fix it.

Even if you don’t notice any of these signs, if your roof is between 20-25 years old you should have qualified Calgary roofers come and check it out for you. Call the residential roofing team at United Roofing to give you an idea of whether your roof is in need of repair or if it needs to be replaced. We’ve got you covered!
CALGARY: (403) 870-2753

EDMONTON: (780) 245-2753



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