Why is teeth cleaning Important?

Posted by Divya Raut on March 21st, 2017

Teeth cleaning is a process which your dentist or hygienist perform to keep away gum and periodontal diseases .  It removes dental plaque  which helps in preventing cavities , gingivitis and periodontal diseases . People generally clean their own teeth by brushing and flossing but dental cleaning removes  hardened deposits  that has accumulated over teeth . A healthy smile not only boosts confidence but  is a sign of good oral and dental health . Dentists in Lucknow say that one should visit  a dentist once in two months for dental cleaning .

Basic dental cleaning includes flossing , brushing and scrubbing but tartar may develop over the teeth inspite of these steps hence , it needs expert attention .  Flossing brushing , scrubbing doesn’t reach in the interiors which causes so professional tooth cleaning is done by the dentists . Teeth cleaning includes  tooth scaling , tooth polishing  and debridement  if the tartar level has accumulated much over it . Various devices and instruments are used which remove or loosen the accumulated plaque over teeth .

Dentists in Lucknow say that more frequent examining and cleaning might be required during dental treatments  and routine examination of the teeth is needed which also includes x rays . according to the dentists in Lucknow teeth clean can do certain things for you

  •  A whitish substance gets deposited on the teeth called plaque which is the major reason of tooth decay. If it is left unattended And is ignored it might lead to cavities . teeth cleaning or dental cleaning  avoids the deposition of plaque over teeth  avoiding the further consequences
  •  Many a times the tooth decaying moves onto the jaw bone which loosens the teeth and a person may lose teeth.  If a person maintains good oral hygiene which includes brushing , flossing , dental cleaning he might not have to lose teeth
  • Drinking carbonated drinks, tea, and coffee might stain teeth due to the sugar. By regular dental cleaning one can avoid these stains over teeth and smile confidently
  •  A lot of people suffer from bad breathe just brushing and flossing isn’t enough at times  here dental cleaning can help a lot
  • Dentists in Lucknow suggest that there is a connection between oral health and overall health. If the person resorts to dental cleaning regularly he avoids the chances of heart diseases and stroke. oral cancer is also detected by the dentists during routine checkups
  • By resorting to basic practices like dental cleaning  you can keep your teeth healthy keeping teeth healthy accounts to oral health too  and you can avoid a lot of dental problems in the long run

No matter how severe your gum diseases are or are not it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene at home is mandatory.  Follow it thoroughly even after your teeth cleaning is done  , maintain a balanced diet , eat vegetables that can keep your teeth healthy . Gum diseases are easy to prevent but hard to get rid of hence, take precautionary measures in advance

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Divya Raut

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Divya Raut
Joined: October 6th, 2016
Articles Posted: 47

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