Prostate Cancer- Definition, Symptoms and Treatment
Posted by Nammo on March 22nd, 2017
Prostate cancer is seen in the prostate of a man, which is a small walnut sized gland producing the seminal fluid, nourishing and transporting sperm. According to various researches, prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in men. Typically, the cancer progresses slowly. In fact, at the start it stays confined to the prostate gland wherein it may not result in any significant harm.
Some of the prostate cancer may grow slowly and may require no treatment or just minimal treatment, others may aggressively spread to the other organs of the body and may need extensive treatment. Cancer which is detected in the early stage when it remain confined to just the prostate gland may have a better chance of quick and successful treatment.
Coming to the symptoms of prostate cancer, in the initial stage, prostate cancer may not show any significant signs or symptoms. But as the cancer advances, it may result in some signs and symptoms, like:
Erectile dysfunction
Bone pain
Discomfort in the pelvic area
Blood in semen
Decreased force in the stream of urine
Trouble urinating
If you notice any or few of the aforementioned signs or symptoms that may worry you, it is advisable to instantly visit a doctor. You can then discuss about the best method for cancer screening.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer
When you explore or consult your doctor, you can find various prostate cancer treatment options. But the ideal option will depend on different factors, like benefits and potential side effects of the treatment, how fast the cancer is growing and how much it has spread and your overall health as well.
For people who are diagnosed with very early stage of prostate cancer, for them the treatment may not be required immediately. In fact, some men may not require treatment ever. Instead, the doctors may recommend them active surveillance. Here, the person may have to undergo timely follow up blood tests, possible biopsies may be performed and rectal examinations done for monitoring the progress of cancer. If the test results indicate that the cancer is growing, the person can choose a prostate cancer treatment measure, like radiation, surgery or hormone therapy for prostate cancer.
Just make sure to select the best treatment measure that will be appropriate for you. Consult with your doctor about the ideal treatment measure for you. You can even take second opinion via consulting another doctor or even reading about prostate cancer online and best treatment options!