Ten natural remedies relieve teething pain

Posted by Divya Raut on March 22nd, 2017

Is your child suffering from teething pain? Relieve them from puffy gums, pain and other teething symptoms by following these simple remedies.

Let us start with the most basic remedy. What do you do when your ankle is sprained? You try to numb the pain using ice. Similarly, apply ice or other cold foods to compress pain from sore tooth or gums.

Take a clean, wet cloth, put it in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for an hour to chill. Give it to your child to munch on it. This can relieve your child from the pain and the fabric massages the ridges of their gums. For an added effect, soak the fabric in chamomile tea. This calms fussy babies and helps them sleep.

Try giving your child a refrigerated tether or pacifier. There are a number of refrigerated Dentists in Hyderabad available in the market.

Do not store your tether in the freezer, it can get very hard when frozen and may damage your baby’s gums.

If you have started giving solids to your baby, offer them frozen fruit and let them chomp on it.

Your baby’s urge for pressure!

Teething babies often crave pressure on their developing gums, this is because the pressure helps distract their brain from teething pain.

Rub the baby’s gums with clean fingers until the friction produces a squeaky sound.

Topical medication

There are many topical anesthetic available over-the-counter such as a numbing gels or cream, which can be rubbed on your baby’s gums to relieve teething pain.

However, be careful that you avoid the ones containing benzocaine; they may not be safe for your babies. Before picking a medicine, consult your doctor.


If nothing else is working and your baby needs relief, your doctor might recommend trying an over-the-counter painkiller like acetaminophen. (Note: Never give any medicine to a baby under 3 months old without first checking with a doctor.)

For babies at least 6 months old, ibuprofen is an option, too, and can also help reduce inflammation in your baby’s gums. But bear in mind that the drug can irritate the stomach, which may be problematic if your baby’s already turning down food (which some teething babies do).

Aspirin is off-limits for anyone under 19 years old. Don’t give it to your baby or even rub it on her gums. The drug is associated with Reye’s syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition.

If a painkiller is not doing the trick and symptoms persist beyond 24 hours, consult your pediatrician.

Homeopathic remedies

You can also choose homeopathic teething tablets and drops. However, some pediatricians say that the risks of homeopathic treatments outweigh potential benefits.


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Divya Raut

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Divya Raut
Joined: October 6th, 2016
Articles Posted: 47

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