The Best Way To Get A Budget Home Owner Insurance Quote ComparisonPosted by Nick Niesen on October 29th, 2010 Although the price of a home owner insurance quote plays a big role in deciding to purchase a particular home owner insurance policy, there are many other comparisons you should make. Rather than choose your home owner insurance policy based on price alone, do some comparison shopping with several different home owner insurance companies and the quotes they offer you. Before you start comparing surface features such as the friendliness and competence of the home owner insurance company customer service, you need to dig deeper. Contact your state?s department of insurance and find out if the home owner insurance companies you are comparing are licensed to do business in your state. Mark those that aren?t off your list. Many have fallen victim to fly-by-night home owner insurance companies that travel to their areas offering ridiculously cheap home owner insurance quotes without legally being allowed to do so. Look up a few independent research companies and find out the financial rating of the home owner insurance companies you are comparing. The financial rating of a home owner insurance company tells you the financial strength of the home owner insurance company, and financial strength is important. Once you have a list of possible home owner insurance companies that are licensed to do business in your state and have strong financial ratings, give them a call. Ask for information about the speed in which they settle claims, as well as the common types of complaints they receive and how they handle those complaints. A confident home owner insurance company won?t shy away from these questions. Request information about the different kinds of home owner insurance coverage they offer, and compare that coverage to the kind of coverage you actually need. All the while, pay attention to the friendliness of the customer service. When all is said and done, ask your neighbors about their home owner insurance. Word-of-mouth is the truest form of advertisement. Like it? Share it!More by this author |