5 effective Tips of Buying Frozen Fish Fillets

Posted by Mohammed Shahul Hameed on March 30th, 2017

Nature’s bounty - fish has been the staple diet for man from ages. Multiple reasons credit the choice, including the lingering, mouth-watering taste and the nutrition packed in fishes. The very sight and smell of fish being prepared can increase anticipation of the actual meal. Available in rich abundance in natural habitats, frozen fish fillets find their way to kitchens in distant locations after processing. Getting the best packs in your freezer is important to culinary success and dietary value. Take a glance at five tips that will help to lay hands on the best frozen fillets.

Look for certification and FDA approval
One of the best methods of ascertaining the quality of products is to look for certification and FDA approval. This by itself will winnow out a majority of products. ISO 22000: 2005 certification, USFDA and EU HACCP approval are indications of standardised processes and quality. Effectively such certification translates into reliable quality products. Substandard suppliers of processed fish resort to unhealthy practices such as using formaldehyde during processing. Avoid health hazards and opt for supplies by reputed companies.

Freezing methods determine the shelf life of frozen fish fillets
Many methods of freezing are used for processing fish. The shelf life of frozen fish fillets depends on the type of fish, and the methods of freezing. Certain species of fish that are available deep sea are frozen at sea (FAS), for processing later at units. The other method of freezing is flash freezing through IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) methods. Catch of certain species of fish such as the Nile Perch, are transferred through company boats to advanced processing facilities. Such process chains offer assurance of good quality.

Check the packaging for signs of rupture or damage
The packaging of the frozen fish fillets will give a good idea of the quality of the fish inside. Damaged packaging is an indication of possible deterioration of the fish. Companies with good reputation, follow proper packaging processes, in addition to relying on high quality packaging material. This will prevent the fish from getting contaminated.

The nativity of the fish will speak volumes of the quality
Some fishes are native to certain locations. Therefore, knowing the nativity of the fish will give a fair idea of the quality of the fish and its taste. The markings on all fish food products tell a story. A closer peek at the markings will give sufficient information from which it is possible to understand how the frozen fillets will fare on the kitchen.

Presentation size and total quantity
The weight and presentation of the frozen fillets need to be carefully chosen. While it is possible to freeze and store fillets, it is also important to buy only that quantity which may be used over a limited period of time. This way it is possible to ensure that the frozen fillets are sufficiently stocked, but only for the near foreseeable period. It is a lot better than stocking for the entire season and ending up with deteriorating quality.

About the author:

Tanperch Ltd is one of the divisions of renowned Quality Group Limited (QGL). QGL is one of the largest and most respected business conglomerates in Tanzania with strong interest in diverse businesses such as construction, media, automotive, bi-wheeler, farm equipment, tires, fabrication & erection works, food processing, shopping malls, real estate etc.

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Mohammed Shahul Hameed

About the Author

Mohammed Shahul Hameed
Joined: October 29th, 2016
Articles Posted: 6

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