What You Need To Know About Fresh Fish Exporters
Posted by Mohammed Shahul Hameed on April 1st, 2017
The demand for fish on the table is universal, both for the nutrition and the taste that it offers. Many locations have the advantage of natural abundance of fish species, whereas some locations rely on exports. Here’s a peek into the underlying factors that help fish exporters deliver nutrition to tables in distant lands.
Quality control
Fish being highly perishable, high quality control is mandatory. The fish needs to be preserved right from handling till the day it is unwrapped. Therefore, stringent food safety measures need to be taken. Fresh catch of popular species of fish require to be processed with constant monitoring by microbiologists to ensure that the fish is free from toxins. The preservation aims at preventing bacterial spoilage of the fish and to maintain the flavor.
The many factors that contribute to good fresh fish exports are
• Availability of resource
The location of the processing unit must be close to the areas where the catch is procured or sourced. This will ensure that the processed fish maintains its nutrition, in addition to being safe from pathogens.
• Advanced preservation methods
In addition to the traditional preservation methods, new technology such as freeze drying or flash freezing indicates that the fish you buy is safe to cook and relish.
• Strict food safety
Another requirement that companies adhere to is the hygiene and food safety measures. Exported products undergo inspection of the local safety board. Proper processing such as cleaning, gutting, controlled temperature, pressure storage and reduction of toxic waste is an indication of a company that values quality.
• Transport
Companies that take care to ensure that their products are transported under stipulated conditions offer better products. It is essential that the transporting carrier be well equipped to maintain the cold chain with controlled temperature and pressure conditions.
Some species of fish are most sought after in international markets. This is because of the high levels of omega-3 and nutrition. Certain varieties of fish have a flavor that makes them a delicacy and easy to cook. The size of the fish, the bone structure, everything contributes to the ease of preparing. While the variety of fish and its size determines the menu, the quality of the fish exporter determines its suitability. Therefore, choose the right fish from the right exporter. This will ensure that what you have on the table is tasty, nutritious and safe to consume.
About the author:
Tanperch Ltd is one of the divisions of renowned Quality Group Limited (QGL). QGL is one of the largest and most respected business conglomerates in Tanzania with strong interest in diverse businesses such as construction, media, automotive, bi-wheeler, farm equipment, tires, fabrication & erection works, food processing, shopping malls, real estate etc.