Things One Should Know About Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Testing

Posted by PCTE on April 3rd, 2017

The quality of natural rocks and concrete must be tested and assessed to make sure that it is free of cracks and voids and that the building materials are suitable for the construction or project. The ultrasonic pulse velocity test enables an in-situ, non-destructive way to check the quality of those materials. During the test, operators can determine the quality and strength of rock or concrete by measuring an ultrasonic pulse’s velocity as it passes through a natural rock formation or a concrete structure. Here are more things you should know about it: 

How it’s done – An ultrasonic pulse velocity test is conducted by making a pulse of ultrasonic waves pass through the concrete that is being tested. The equipment measures the time it takes for the pulse to travel through the structure. A high velocity generally means the material is continuous and of good quality and slow velocities may indicate many voids or cracks in the concrete. 

The procedure – Ultrasonic pulse velocity testing equipment comes with a pulse generation circuit. It has a transducer which has an centre frequency of 54 kHz to transform the electric pulse into a mechanical pulse. The signal is received by the pulse reception circuit. Together with the power source and clock, all parts are put together before calibration using a sample of the material with properties that are known. Transducers are placed on the opposite sides of the concrete, and pulse velocity is calculated by dividing the width of the structure by the time it takes for the pulse to go through the material. 

How results are interpreted – Using this test and an understanding of how different factors affect speeds of sound in concrete you should be able to tell the quality of concrete in terms of durability, workmanship, compaction, segregation, cracks, honeycombing, internal flaws, trapped air, homogenity, and strength. The ultrasonic pulse velocity test can be used for evaluating crack repair’s efficacy, as well as for finding the mechanical and structural properties of concrete and natural rock. 

Standards and regulations – You can find the procedure for ultrasonic testing in ASTM C597-09. It is crucial for ultrasonic pulse velocity testing equipment to be designed after that standard, too. 

About the Company: 

PCTE supplies a range of equipment from around the world to offer you a one stop shop with all the latest equipment. Material Testing Equipment is used in the construction industry for testing construction materials and the condition of onsite soils or rock. For more details, you can contact us at the website.

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