The Best Photo Booth Prop Ideas That Will Really Make Things Fun
Posted by The Photobox Singapore on April 12th, 2017
There is no second opinion to the fact that a picture speaks more than a thousand words. And every celebration and important occasion is incomplete without good photographs. And as time and technology are evolving with every passing day, the desire to have something different in life is getting stronger with every passing day. Under this scenario, photo booths have come up as a valid option. Whether it is a birthday or anniversary celebration, the craze for these amazing photography corners is on rise. These are now being used for corporate events, birthday celebrations, bar mitzvahs, proms, inaugurations, malls, and so forth.
Another trend that has picked up with photo booths is that of props, no photo booth photography event can ever be pursued without props, And the best part is every affordable photo booth Singapore is offering plenty of props with every kind of booth. Even if you are planning to get a photo booth for a corporate event in Singapore, you can arrange for props. You can always theme these props according to different party themes and let our guests be dressed with glasses, Fedora Hats, Gun, patches, pipe props, mustaches, frames, pirate hooks, monocle props, jukebox cutout, microphones, inflatable guitars,and pipe props.
In case, you are going for a wedding theme you can always do away with the repetitive and boring poses. To include some fun, you can always go for a photo booth. Props included in this can also be Pageant Style Crown, Facebook Status Prop, Customized Umbrella for Couple stating “Mr. and Mrs.’, Romantic Photo Frame, or different Props saying ‘Bride’, ‘Groom’, ‘Team Groom’, ‘Team Bride’, ‘Various Props Saying I Do’, and so forth. Other useful ideas like A Crown Cutout with Dancing Queen, Came Here for Food, Team Groom, Devil Headbands, ANgel, Champagne Glasses Cutouts, and so forth.
Similar concept is of the kissing booths that can be used for Valentine’s day. These are a must for teasing adults and teens. You can also make use of signs like ‘Umbrella, Sign Saying ‘Kiss Me’, Milkshake glasses with two straws coming out of it, and so forth. Similarly, you can also go for Christtmas themed things which can include tasty Christmas cookies, eggnogs, Santa Claus caps, elves ears, and others. All you need to do is apply the creative side of yours and the result will be some of the best and most memorable pictures of your life.
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