What Do Cat Tools Offer?

Posted by Brian Miller on April 15th, 2017

Individuals or agencies that need to have their documents translated on a regular basis should do adequate research before they hire a service provider. It is best to avail the services of a translation agency that works with trados. You can avoid unpleasant surprises by hiring a translation agency that uses cat tools.  

To begin with we should start by saying that cat tools offer translators numerous advantages that should not be ignored. Although it takes time to create a well-researched glossary with the help of these tools, these tools offer various advantages that should not be ignored. They can be set to highlight terms the translator wants to translate a specific way, thus enabling him to focus his attention while translating. Also, they can be set to auto fill the words for us while we are typing, thus saving time and effort.

Moving on, you can set cat tools to point out inconsistencies or for other quality assurance functions in each individual CAT Tool. When you translate with the help of these tools you can use the same glossary with multiple clients or with the same client on various jobs. These tools are highly useful when it comes to maximizing research time across projects and clients. It is difficult if not impossible for translation agencies to manage a complex translation in a tight time frame. Under such circumstances all the available translators have to team up and share the workload. Real time sharing of the work can be done with Live Translation Memories; this enables each translator to add to the TM thus saving time and helping to ensure consistency.

Provided it is used rationally trados enables translators to do their job in a more efficient manner, faster and it helps them meet the increasing demands of today’s fast paced world without sacrificing the quality of the translated text. If you hire an agency that uses these innovative tools you will benefit from their internal-time saving, productivity-increasing and process-optimization efforts. Translation agencies that use these innovative tools have taken their translation work to the next level. Therefore, if you search for a translation agency that can take in more, produce more, deliver consistence and quality you should hire one that makes the most of the available technology.

We should emphasize the fact that trados is definitely worth the investment as it increases translation productivity and efficiency. This specialized software is used by experienced translators in order to speed up the translation process and improve the quality of their work. At present there are various types of software programs available on the market, but CAT tools are by far among the most popular.

Our translators specialize in working with trados. We offer high-quality services at competitive prices and use cat tools.

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Brian Miller

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Brian Miller
Joined: January 21st, 2016
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