Rhinoplasty: A New Solution that Stops Snoring and lets you Sleep

Posted by anjalimarmm on April 18th, 2017

Rhinoplasty in Indore is considered as an aesthetic cosmetic procedure but this is only a half-truth. Actually, rhinoplasty is doing a great job as a functional procedure that is useful for dealing with various breathing problems such as sinusitis, snoring etc. Here we would like to talk about snoring which at nights, not only disturbs your sleep but teases your partner as well. if the snoring is minor, it can be treated using some home remedies or exercises etc. but if the snoring is excessive, it is indeed a warning sign. Actually, snoring can affect your overall health. Sleep apnea is an advanced stage of snoring that can cause even death. Therefore, if you snore and looking for a better solution, nose job can be the final solution for you.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring shows that you are suffering from some kind of breathing problem like blockage, sinusitis, deviated nasal septum, or enlarged turbinates etc. enlarged nasal polyps and adenoids may cause snoring as well.

Rhinoplasty for Snoring

Rhinoplasty is generally considered as a cosmetic surgery procedure but actually, the nose reshaping surgery, besides appearance, can alter the functions of the nose as well. Besides the patients who choose nose job for aesthetic reasons, there a number of patients who have to undergo this treatment for breathing problems. the functions of the nose are improved by altering the overall nasal structure. Sometimes, the patients desire to combine the functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty because of their combined goals. A combined procedure is perfectly possible for a skilled surgeon.

How is it Done?

The procedure of the nose job is started from the use of general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation according to the conditions of the nose. After that, small incisions are made between the nostrils to let the surgeon pull the skin back to access the nasal structures. Rhinoplasty is done by using various techniques according to the goals of the patient. After the surgery, a splint may be placed on the nose to protect the nose. Some side effects may occur after the procedure such as brushing or swelling etc. but all the signs go away after a couple of days. If the surgeon is skilled and qualified, you can hope for satisfactory results.

Importance of the Surgeon

When it comes to rhinoplasty, it is essential o choose a well-trained and qualified surgeon as the nose job is a complex procedure and each of the procedure is unique having some new challenges. If you want to have a sound sleep at nights without teasing your partner, you can choose Marmm clinic which is a prominent center for Rhinoplasty in Indore. The doctors of the clinic are able to perform aesthetic or functional rhinoplasty according to the needs of the patients.

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