Understand The Psychology Behind Defense Mechanism
Posted by luka chan on April 21st, 2017
Mostly, prayers are of two kinds namely goal-directed prayers and non-goal-directed prayers. The goal-directed prayers can also be called as petitionary prayers as there is some kind of request in them. Petitionary prayers are based on the traditional monotheism followed in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In this type of prayers, people pray with a goal in their mind that can be good, bad, positive or negative. Most of the times, petitionary prayers highlight the selfishness and ego of the people. Also, if the prayers are not answered, people tend to move away from the God. Christian petitionary prayers are those when people ask for different things in the name of Jesus and according to the teachings of Bible.
Researchers have performed many experiments to know the truth behind praying to god. These experiments are based on various theories that are applied in different situations. And, this research on the prayers was conducted scientifically to get better results. Many times, people have an intention to harm mankind or a particular religion and make conspiracies for it. Researchers studied the minds of such people and the prayers that they make to get a better idea of their evil intentions.
Most of us are bothered by dark entities in our life like demons, arcons, djinn or ghosts from the past. Such things are based on paranormal phenomena. Such experiences of many people lead the researchers to talk about defense mechanisms. These mechanisms are followed by people to fight against the paranormal activities and other conflicts and feuds in their life. Defense mechanisms work differently for different people and most of us continue to bear unusual good and bad personal or psychic experiences silently without involving anyone. There are many explanations given by the researchers about the theory of defense mechanism and how they are used by different personalities. In actual, they are psychological strategies brought into action by our unconscious mind to take different actions to bear the harsh reality and unacceptable feelings in life. Some of the unconscious processes that our mind goes through are repression, identification, rationalization, projection and much more.
If you want to know about conspiracy theory, the effects of Christian petitionary prayer or the psychology behind defense mechanism, you can visit the website of these researches and browse it further. Every theory that the researchers have found is clearly and thoroughly explained on the website.
About The Author: The writer is a blogger. This article is about the scientific research to know to effects of prayers.
For more information, visit: www.spindriftresearch.org