Does It Right To Wax Quartz Stone Frequently

Posted by RachelHJM on April 22nd, 2017

Here we will talk a little about issue of waxing the quartz stone today. As we know, the appearance of quartz stone itself is very bright and glossy, but the waxed quartz stone will be brighter and glossier.

Then is it right to wax quartz stone frequently or is it really good to wax the quartz stone frequently? In fact, waxing is only to make the quartz stone’s appearance more beautiful, brighter and glossier, but if waxing frequently, will make the quartz stone devaluating rapidly and damaging the quartz stone slowing, as there will be air bubbles, stone disease and aging of the quartz stone.

Waxing is a way to protect the quartz stone then why it is not good to wax the quartz stone often? In fact, the protective effect of waxing to quartz stone is micro, as the poor weather resistance, antifouling effect is also not good, easy to adhesive dust. Waxing also will damage the quartz stone, because it will be a kind of airtight to seal the quartz stone, then the internal moisture distribution can not come out after the surface of quartz stone been sealed, if the accumulation of moisture for a long time will make the quartz stone disease.

If waxing so frequently and too much, it will not be removed completely even with the wax water or the wax agent . As the residual wax will be into the quartz stone, so it is hard to remove or clear the wax completely.

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