Die Legende des goldenen Pfades

Posted by ElviraIsabel on April 28th, 2017

The script was also transcribed and typo-corrected, the result was this:

The Legend of the Golden Path

The golden city of Menaphos stands today as it has for generations: resplendent, affluent and prosperous.

But beneath the surface lies corruption, decay and destruction. The Pharaoh grows richer, while the poor of nearby Sophanem rot in ditches. Menaphos's four districts are ruled by four leaders - a commander, admiral, worker and grand vizier - each in some way complicit in the city's desolation.

These four faction leaders hold the key to riches beyond compare. Dare you embark on the Golden Path Challenge? A once-in-a-lifetime reward awaits the winner.

The code is the key.

The text appeared to be similar in other languages as well. I tried transcribing the German version, while having no idea how to capitalize the words:

Die Legende des goldenen Pfades

Die goldene Stadt Menaphos ragt heute wie bereits vor Generationen aus der Wueste empor: stolz, strahlend und wohlhabend.

Doch unterhalb der Oberflaeche lauern Korruption, Verfall und Zerstoerung. Der Pharao wird immer reicher, waehrend die Armen bei Sophanem in extreme Elend leben die vier Viertel von Menaphos werden von vier Anfuehrern geleitet einer Kommandantin, einem Admiral, einem Arbeiter und einer Grosswesirin -, die alle auf ihre art am Verfall der Stadt beteiligt sind.

Jeder dieser vier Fraktionsleiter besitzt einen Schluessel zu reichtuemern unvorstellbarem ausmasses. Wirst du dich der Herausforderung des goldenen Pfades stellen? Dem Gewinner winkt eine einmalige Belohnung.

Der Code ist dir Schluessel.

What was interesting to note is that while the English version says

These four faction leaders hold the key to riches beyond compare.

the German version translated into English says

Each of these four factional leaders has a key to an unimaginable extent.

Makes one wonder if there's something common among these leaders that would be the key, or whether each of the leaders have a key of their own that is needed.

Learning the new alphabet was pretty darn quick, so if you're interested in transcribing the other two languages, don't hesitate to try. (I had the alphabet open on the side for quick checking, thanks to /u/Keilo1 for providing it. There's an X in the German text if you wish to make a new image with consistent font.)

The first image was posted on the 24th and is of Wahisietel, with Icthlarin in the background. The lore seems to say Wahisietel was a servant of Icthlarin. The image was taken in the Empyrean Citadel, as can be seen here.Have you ever wonder how some of those guys get their levels are up so quickly? You do not need to wonder because you also can do the same thing as what they have done is to buy rs 07 gold Powerleveling to level up your account through the site IGVault.com. You can increase your level by purchasing a variety of expertise available in IGVault.com.

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Joined: April 1st, 2017
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