Homeowners Pre-Flood Checklist

Posted by steve7876 on May 1st, 2017

Floods can happen at a moment’s notice – being prepared is imperative to the health and safety of your family and your home. Below is a list of items to help you contrive a plan for a flooding situation.

Items to gather for your pre-flood kit:

  • First Aid kit
  • Battery operated flashlight and radio
  • Warm blankets
  • Waterproof clothing
  • Phone numbers of family members
  • Any required medications
  • Bottled water (after a flood, drinking water is not safe to consume. Do not use any contaminated water for washing clothes, brushing teeth, cooking food)
  • Canned nonperishable foods (enough for several days)
  • Extra batteries
  • Waterproof sturdy shoes
  • Cash, credit cards, personal identification
  • Sandbags (to lessen water entering the home)
  • Manual can-opener
  • Cell phone and cell phone charger

Ideas to consider in your flood emergency plan:

Evacuation plan – Have a place that you and your family can meet in case you need to evacuate your home. Include directions that everyone can follow.

Emergency communication plan – Implement specific instructions in case you and your children get separated. Have one contact number that everyone should call. Out of area relatives or friends serve as a better option in case local area calling is restricted or cell phone towers are down.

Teach family members where to shut off the electricity, gas and water in the home. If you are unsure, ask your utility companies for more information. When flooding happens it is very important to shut off all the utilities to the home.

Keep all important documents and valuables you cannot lose in polythene bags in an upper level of your home. Basements are not the place for irreplaceable items. Compile a short list of items that you would take with you if you need to evacuate your home

If you are directed to leave your home, it is in your best interest to do so! Evacuation orders are for the health and safety of your family. A home may be replaced, but your family cannot. If the worst does happen and you need a professional company to restore your home after Water Damage Calgary, start with trust and call the experienced team from Phoenix First Restoration!

Email : sales@phoenixfirst.ca
Website: http://phoenixfirst.ca
Phone : 1 (844) 903 3737
Address: Suite 600 - 5920 Macleod Trail south Calgary, Alberta

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