Complete Customized On-line & Off-line HRMS Solutions For HR's

Posted by Rajeev on May 12th, 2017

HR’s human resource management system (HRMS) turns laborious HR tasks into a few clicks. You shouldn't need a rocket scientist to footmarks HR data. HRMS software solutions is so simple anyone can use it. All your data is in one place, reporting is a whiff, employee self service saves you time, and now you have time to focus on people, not paper. Stop worrying about old and inaccurate data. It Access the current data from your HR Management System no matter where you are. It exactly give the right data from your HRMS exactly what you need. HRM software provides all the special features of employee management, attendance management, payrolls, performances, company policies, refer a buddy, mailing, company structural planning, announcements, leaves & ESI-EPS of employees. You won't find any software that's easier than human resource software. A spontaneous and powerful work-flows will turn you into an HR trickster. This HRMS solution do the following things like Employee Data Management; employee general information, photo, note & files coupling, medical information, tax information, monthly time sheet & attendance sheet, payroll reports and medical insurance and emergency contacts, employee benefits form helps you to record all medical and detail insurance programs that your company have & holds for your employees, this software is very helpful to create payroll report, manage phone list, employee list, department list reports, and you can add your own report later based on your need, employee vacation & sick leave management, employee job history, employee certification and awards management, employee performance evaluations, employee equipment tracking, employee resume and training records management. It Benefits information management, resentment history information (e.g.complaints, dispute etc.) management. Job Opening Management; Job opening Information, job functions, requirements and skills information and staffing status. Applicants Management, Records all applicants and contact information, status management, employee benefit, company policies, business documents, legal documents, holiday schedule, health and care insurance benefits information management this software manages all. Employee login to their own page and input/update their own data If you are a HR manager, you want your employee to input/update their own data, you can sent them the "Employee" version So, Employee login to their own page employee input their own information, Employee update their own time sheet, vacation/sick sheets data, Can access this HRM Software, update HR data, view/modify the HR reports from anywhere through your tablets or smart phone device this is very easy to be done.


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Joined: May 12th, 2017
Articles Posted: 1