Check To See If Your Area Already Has FTTH Internet ServicesPosted by CipherWave Home-Connect (Pty) Ltd. on May 16th, 2017 Technology today has literally bestowed great power at your fingertips via the Internet. The Internet not only provides access to universal knowledge but also helps with various aspects of our life. Apart from assisting in one’s day to day work, it has also opened new doors and unlocked various business possibilities. We need much faster Internet service on a day to day basis. And this is where FTTH Internet services come into the picture, which are known to be one of the fastest Internet services available for the masses. With that said, you should definitely check to see if your area has already FTTH Internet services. Before we move ahead with finding if your area has it, let's get a brief introduction of FTTH Internet service and how it works. FTTH stands for “fibre to the home”, sometimes also referred as “fibre to the premises” (FTTP). This works on installation using optical fibre from a central point to individual buildings directly, and that dramatically increases the connection speeds available to computer users in residences, apartment buildings, and business premises etc. FTTH connection promises the speed up to 100 megabytes per second (MBPS), which is 20 to 100 times as fast as a typical cable modem DSL (digital subscriber line) connection. Now, the question is how you would know if you are eligible to enjoy FTTH Internet services. There are two ways to do that:
If you are still not sure whether you want an FTTH connection or not, consider this: more large files are moving across the cyberspace and the traffic goes up by significant level every new day. In that case would it be wise to stick to the older technology? Like it? Share it!More by this author |