Learn About Most Common Urology Disorders

Posted by aiken carl on May 16th, 2017

Urology is a field of medicine that handles the disorders and diseases of the urinary systems of both males and females. This field of medicine also deals with the diseases related to the male reproductive system. Urological diseases have become a major concern for many people in recent days. Many are searching hard to find the best urologist in NJ. Here are some of the most common urological disorders and diseases:

Male reproductive diseases

If you have male reproductive system disorders, you have to meet a renowned urologist. Some of the most popular disorders include premature ejaculation, infertility, erectile dysfunction, meatal stenosis, hernia, varicocele, orchitis and hydrocele. Top quality NJ urology centers retain professionals like an erectile dysfunction treatment NJ specialist to address these types of problems effectively.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH

BPH occurs as you age because the prostate glands become bigger in size. The major reason behind this size increase is the hormonal changes within the body. The location of the prostate gland is in close proximity to the bladder and it encircles the urethra as well. When the urine is passed through the tube, the bladder experiences a lot of pressure and it disturbs the flow of the urine. Men, especially over 50 are highly vulnerable to BPH and the most common symptoms of this disorder are frequent urination and dribbling of urine. Unattended prostate issues can also lead to cancer and the best clinics offer highly advanced prostate cancer treatments in NJ to help patients in the best manner.  

Urinary tract infection or UTI

Urinary tract infection also known as UTI occurs as the byproduct of bacterial infection in the urinary organs. The most common area affected is the bladder and the major symptoms include a frequent and strong urge to urinate, hematuria (blood in the urine), and a burning sensation during the urination process. If delay occurs in treating this problem, the infection can spread to kidneys. Reliable urology centers offer the most sophisticated treatment to eliminate the problem.


Women are most vulnerable to incontinence but it can affect men as well. This urologic disorder weakens the ability of the affected individual to maintain urinary control. The most prominent reasons behind this problem are overactive bladder as well as the aftereffect of surgery.  Top clinics in New Jersey always identify the underlying reason behind this disease before designing a comprehensive treatment plan.    

Other prominent urology diseases and disorders

Other common urology disorders include Cystoceles, kidney stones, and Interstitial cystitis. All of these diseases can be treated effectively under renowned and experienced urology specialists to get permanent relief.    

Top NJ urology services are committed to delivering advanced urological care and they perform the treatment in a patient friendly setting. These clinics offer the services of highly experienced and skilled physicians who are capable of handling any complicated issues and the most advanced equipment and technology is employed to deliver the most innovative therapies for all urologic conditions. Patients can expect high quality and compassionate urological care and personalized attention is provided to each patient to keep them comfortable and relaxed.

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aiken carl

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aiken carl
Joined: March 20th, 2017
Articles Posted: 15

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