Perception Shift in Accepting Prefab Construction in India

Posted by Sunil Srivastava on May 24th, 2017

Prefab technology, though not very new, is the latest entrant in the Indian construction industry. These days, this technology is finding a base in India and the construction industry is gradually shifting towards this technology. Also, industry experts feel that as the housing demands are increasing due to the growing population, the prefab technology with its prefabricated steel structures is the best way to cater to such demands. Also, the support from the local bodies and the government for this technology will help the infrastructure sector effectively use this technology which is extremely quick to implement and is a greener solution when compared to traditional buildings.

Shift in Perception

In India, the greatest challenge for prefab technology is the shift of perception from traditional construction to pre-engineered steel structure. Though the change is taking place, the pace is still slow and people are still hesitant to experiment with it. Still the traditional methods of construction are viewed to be cheaper and the best method over prefabricated construction by the Indian people, not looking its long term benefits. However, the experts are hopeful that the perception shift is gradually on and they are hopeful that in the time to come, they will see commercial projects shifting to pre-engineered structures from the conventional mode.

Today, larger infrastructure and engineering projects are shaping up and are in pipeline for infrastructural development of the country. Projects such as power plants, international terminals, etc. need heavy steel structures along with a diverse approach as compared to PEB. Also, with the focus being on green building construction, PEB in India is set to grow extensively. The versatility of pre-engineered building construction across sectors is its real beauty. The PEB manufacturers also manufacturing c and z purlin sheets work across the most varied set of construction projects including rural retail, agriculture, amusement parks and healthcare. In fact the PEB manufacturers, also the sheet metal fabricators are now getting more projects as several contemporary commercial buildings and corporate parks are now turning to pre-engineered metal structures.

Another important aspect that favours the prefab construction is the much required push towards eco-friendly construction. Metal building solutions are fundamentally green products and have far lesser impact on the environment when compared to conventional brick and cement construction. The energy effective techniques in manufacturing steel used for such structures along with the highly recycled content help immensely in lessening greenhouse gas emissions. Also, after getting demolished, these buildings don’t accrue wastage such as concrete, asphalt shingles, dust and brick. Metal scrap is the only by-product which is 100% recyclable.

Today, PEB solutions are an ideal fit for large scale construction projects such as ports, airports, power stations, etc. The setup of such buildings along with the construction quality and required timelines are natural benefits. Further, such construction being eco-friendly can be of great useful to the future generation with them being under severe threat of all types of pollution.

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Sunil Srivastava

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Sunil Srivastava
Joined: May 24th, 2017
Articles Posted: 17

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