Women? Beautiful, Cute, Hot? pick one...? By Arab working girls
Posted by Salwa on May 28th, 2017
All boys are different and it is a well known truth that boys rather suck at expressing themselves.
When guys want to say something, they may possibly say something else, It is for this truth that ladies often find it hard to understand guys. There are hundreds of phrases to describe a girl, authors are great at that, regrettably, all guys are not authors or poets.
The adjective "cute" is primarily based on both appearance and conduct, appearance is quite easy to describe in the context and we know what we mean and its quite straight forward….. “is it ?”. behavior is also essential , boys can notably define a girl as cute when she behaves in a preset way or to some if she seems gullible, others may see a woman who dances like no body is watching as really cute... Some men even look at it as cute when a girl tucks her hair backwards behind her ears when in conversation, etc, etc.
To say the real truth, men have differing concepts of taking a girl cute depending on the community they live in, in the western world, it is often believed that men look at cuteness as an informal sign of being sexually attractive, to some when a girl wears a mans shirt, the oversized shirt hanging on her appears super attractive. On the other hand, going east towards the land of the rising sun, the definition of cute certainly alters at some degree if not drastically. In Japan for instance when men and women often say "Kawai" which means cute in Japanese to nearly everything from a girl to being well dressed or to even a plate, they normally say it based mostly on the appearance. When men and women in the East say a lady cute, their judgment is mainly based on looks. Not implying that behavior doesn't count for any role here, but it is something that is looked at a lot less, What dominates on a womans cuteness is whether she is looking or not.
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Individuals usually ask : is it possible that a lady can be both cute and hot? lots of people really feel that a woman can be anything she likes, she can be cute, hot, sexy, smart, all together.
Nonetheless, it is also interesting to note that some men have diverse conceptions of whether a girl is cute or hot, For them a cute woman differs from a hot woman. They think a lady can be one but not both. They'll often call Megan Fox, Sofia Laurain, etc as hot but not cute and Amanda Seyfried, Selena Gomez as cute but not hot. Their idea of hot and cute is different. Although Megan Fox does cutesy things, its her hotness that dominates most of the time.
being honest, the definition of "cute" is nevertheless blurred, or you can say that it is some thing that's personal. What men will look at as a cute girl varies on the meeting circumstances. cute or hot on the beach my not necessarily be cute or hot anywhere else and we are not only talking about dress… One thing for sure is that when your boyfriend calls you cute, or a stranger calls you cute or your buddy from work calls you a cute, what they all mean could be something totally different. Legalise Prostitution: An 8 Part Microscopic View by Arab night girls in London