What are the advantages of getting a landscaper in Arizona? You?ll be pleasantly
Posted by Elite Internet Technologies on May 31st, 2017
Arizona is famous for its tough country. The land is hard, and unforgiving. If you’ve ever tried to plant so much as a petunia in Arizona, you probably don’t need to be told that. If you haven’t done any garden work in Arizona, you’re in for a big learning curve.
The bottom line with Arizona’s moody soils is that soil preparation and garden structuring are the keys to success. If you’re working with natural Arizona soils, you may need a lot of help preparing those soils and protecting them from the climate. You may also need some help managing windbreaks, drainage for the garden, and other critical issues.
A brief summary of what NOT to do:
Don’t just toss in a bag of potting mix and expect a garden to flourish. Arizona eats moisture, and sandy soils can be too good at draining away precious water. Soil needs to be structured and covered to protect it from moisture loss, and you need some decent depth in growing soils for roots to be safe.
Lawns need help and support: You need the right lawn mix, with proper irrigation, and again, good basic soil structure. Otherwise you’ll have your lawn on life support, gasping for water for at least 9 months in the year.
Do NOT throw money at a garden unless you’ve covered the basics: This is hard for real, dedicated gardeners, who are compulsive enthusiasts ready to do anything and everything for their gardens, but it’s a potentially major issue.
Even existing gardens can deteriorate, rapidly: You need to keep your garden and yard areas well maintained. The combination of heat, dry air, and sandy soils means that Arizona soils can squeeze every atom of water out of the soil. The soil becomes crumbly, and plant roots can be at serious risk almost overnight.
This is where landscapers can save you a lot of time, money, and frustration. They can do the hard work to set up your entire landscape, and fix the soil and drainage issues. A good example of local Arizona landscaping is a company called Gilligan’s Irrigation and Landscape. They have branches all over Arizona. Check out their website here at http://gilliganspc.com/ and see their range of services. It’s a virtual shopping list of everything you need to create a fabulous garden and landscape.