Internet Marketing Affiliates: Earn Ongoing Commissions As A Super Poker Affiliate

Posted by Nick Niesen on October 30th, 2010

The Internet is clogged up with get rich quick schemes, some work, some fail spectacularly. For users who are looking to choose a system, a scheme or just to get ideas there so many to choose from. But the problem with all schemes is that there is always a catch, a small problem that makes them high maintenance or risky. One of the biggest failsafe schemes is as simple as adding an advert to a personal website. There are no catches, no expensive start-ups and best of all very little work to do. It may sound a little unlikely but affiliate schemes are a self-rewarding Internet money making business opportunity.

In an affiliate program no money is passed over until the affiliate has attracted someone to the secondary website. Therefore the affiliate gets paid on the delivery of the customer, meaning that both parties are satisfied, the website because they have a new customer who may encourage others to join and the affiliate because they get paid for simply housing an advert. It is not at all common in modern business practices for two parties to both to enter an agreement in which both are happy. But through affiliate sites there is an exception to this rule.

The success of the affiliate is dependent on two primary factors, the amount of visitors that they can attract to a personal site and the quality of the company that they advertise for. It seems that anyone with half an eye on the booming e-commerce industry also wants affiliates. The key is to find something that is successful, something that offers you the best services and bonus and if possible one that is relevant to your site. One of the biggest current online markets is the online poker industry. It benefits from a never-ending supply of new customers with almost insatiable love for the game. Because online poker is already one of the largest markets and also has the ability and the huge interest to expand further, it provides the perfect business for potential affiliates to become involved in.

Like all gambling and gaming sites, online poker has experienced huge and almost unparalleled growth since becoming a part of the new virtual world. It is a booming multi-billion dollar industry, which as a result allows it to be generous to those who supply new members through affiliate sites. Once players join they are far more likely to become hooked on the games and spend a lot of money generating incredible revenues. The more people that join, increases the likelihood of attracting further third party members, therefore creating even more cash for the site. As such the sites are more than willing to share large portions of their wealth with anyone who can bring in extra people. Affiliates can expect to earn 25 to 35% of the money a player produces for the site over the entire lifetime of their account. Therefore the amount that an affiliate can earn is only limited by the number of customers created and the subsequent amount of money with which said customers are willing to spend.

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Nick Niesen

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Nick Niesen
Joined: April 29th, 2015
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