How To Remove Snow From Solar Panels

Posted by George Hopson on July 3rd, 2017

With a few feet of snow on sun oriented boards crosswise over New England, one inquiry that has come up from our clients is, "is there a sheltered approach to expel snow from sun oriented boards?" Firstly, lets address "safe" with an accentuation on physical security, and afterward the wellbeing of the boards. By and large, this approach ought to be taken after with all home change exercises, particularly this season of year when it's frigid and icy.

Try not to Try It!

This may sound self-evident, however as I watched out my window today and saw somebody on a pitched roof scooping off snow, I need to state – Don't Try it! This is not a smart thought. YOU COULD FALL! I couldn't care less if there is 8 feet of snow on the ground, you can get hurt. Other than that, many snow scoops will scratch your sunlight based boards, so all around, simply don't attempt it.

Roof Rakes

That aside, a significant number of you know you can purchase roof rakes with extending posts that can reach somewhere in the range of 10 to 20 or more feet. That implies you don't need to hop on any stepping stools, and particularly, your roof. In any case, numerous basic roof rakes can scratch your boards. I abstain from utilizing the word harm, as most sun oriented boards are made with treated glass and evaluated for class three sea tempests and hail at 110 mph. In the event that scratches do happen, they won't impact your energy creation, yet in the event that you resemble me, you would prefer not to see rub over your wonderful cluster.

Roof Rake Materials

For one thing, NEVER utilize an aluminum roof rake. It might have a limit edge, however it can in any case leave a terrible check on your boards. Plastic roof rakes are better, yet I am not sure that they will take after the Boy Scout witticism "leave not follow." Additionally, be careful, numerous basic plastic models have wing nuts or screws holding the shaft to the rake head, and those fasteners/nuts could conceivably rub the boards. On the other hand, there are some clever delicate non-grating roof rake choices.

Be that as it may, on the off chance that you need to analyze a bit, purchase a roof rake with an elastic (like you would use for your auto wind shield) or froth head (they offer these for sky facing windows). Yet, before you utilize it, inspect the rake head and connection territories deliberately to ensure there are no screws or fasteners that could accidentally scratch your boards.

Is it Needed? 

Before you do anything, ask yourself, "is it required." Your sun based boards are dull and have a glass front, which means they tend to shed snow quicker than a run of the mill roof surface. After many snow storms your boards might be free from snow the precise following day. Then again we have had some MEGA STORMS as of late, and you may have seen a plunge in your energy creation and gotten a bits restless, i.e. "my sun oriented power, I NEED MY SOLAR POWER!" If you fall into this classification then maybe a favor dancy froth head roof rake with a 25' graphite-extending post is in store for you. Hold up a moment, that is me – I NEED MY SOLAR POWER!

I trust this makes a difference.

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George Hopson

About the Author

George Hopson
Joined: February 16th, 2017
Articles Posted: 17

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