Is Plastic a Pollutant?

Posted by John Smith on July 21st, 2017

Plastic has become almost a need now in our everyday lives. From carrying around plastic bottles of water or any beverage, to even shopping bags made of plastic; plastic has taken over this world, so it seems. But at the same time, there's the question that we must answer: is plastic a pollutant and if so, how? Plastic is one of the most threatening pollutants there are, and we're here to explain to you just how so.

Why Plastic is Harmful

There are so many reasons which fall under the heading of plastic a pollutant that we don’t know where to begin. Plastic isn't a 100% recyclable, and it takes a long time to decompose. This means that if the plastic is just thrown away, then it's going to stay that way forever. And if it's burned, so it's destroyed, that gives off horrible fumes that add to the air pollution.

Then there’s the fact that if plastic ends up in the ocean, it kills a marine life because it’s mistaken for food by the animals. What's more, since plastic doesn't decompose, so it also ends up clogging drainage systems once it's stuck in them. This results in literally the flooding of areas all because of plastic.

If all that still isn’t enough to answer the “how is plastic a pollutant” debate then here’s more. All the chemicals in plastic are also known to cause illnesses since they’re toxic. Long term exposure to plastic is linked to cancers, birth defects, weak immunity, and endocrine disruption. But we continue exposing ourselves to plastic.

Stop Pollution by Not Using Plastic

We know it seems pretty straight forward: if you want to end the pollution caused by plastic, simply stop using plastic. But it gets a lot harder than that because plastic has taken over our lives, so how do we just push it out now all of a sudden? Don't worry because we're here to help with that too. Start small, at your very home, with the most basic element of life: water.

Ditch Plastic Water Bottles by Filtering Water at Home

It’s simple really, just stop buying bottled water since the bottles are made of plastic, and instead start to filter the water at your home. And how do you do that? By setting up a water filtration and purification system to help filter the water, so it’s free of any contaminants.

If you’re looking for a water filtration and purification system for your entire house, then our top recommendation is PureEffectFilters. This filter is a little towards the pricey side, around 00 to 00, but it’s an investment that will make you save a lot in the future. Because think of how much money you’ll be saving when you stop buying bottled water every day.

So, the question we started off with was: is plastic a pollutant? By now, it should be obvious that it is and we need to strike it out of our lives for a safer and cleaner tomorrow.

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John Smith

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John Smith
Joined: June 21st, 2014
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