Seven steps to eBay selling success

Posted by Nick Niesen on November 1st, 2010

More and more people try their luck at selling on eBay everyday. With all of that growing competition it is important that you do everything possible to make sure that you stand out from the crowd. By following a few simple steps you can greatly improve the odds of your auction being noticed, that browsers will convert to bidders, and that those bidders will become repeat customers. Begin practicing the follow seven tips and watch your eBay auction sales explode.
EBay gives you the opportunity to make sales from everyday items and giving you the outlet to make money from your very own online ecommerce shop. Many thousands of people are already making a very healthy living by trading on eBay and these are just ordinary, every folks like you and me.
Inundate your potential buyers with details. It is much better to provide a lot rather than a little information and this will also be a great opportunity for you to pepper your listing description with keywords. Do be sure, however, that your auction listing is informative and not filled with hype. Those extra exclamation points really aren't going to make the sale. Actually, they will only make you look unprofessional. Also, give your readers details as appropriate such as models number, item condition, color, size, etc.

The title may not seem like a vital part of the equation, but it really is of great importance. It is the first thing people see when browsing through the auctions, so it has to not only grab their attention, but also entice them to click. Do not enter you title in ALL CAPS. This will only make you look like an amateur. Include as applicable; keywords, model numbers, seating information, brand names, item size, color, etc.

A picture is worth a thousand bids. Okay, well maybe not a thousand, but it will certainly help your item sell. Think about it; would you buy something sight unseen? Of course not and neither will the majority of buyers on eBay. Be sure to take care when photographing your item. Lesser quality photos are just as bad as no pictures at all, but if you have the resources, you should make it look good as it is to be sold. Also, the more expensive the items; the more photos you should provide.

State all of your requirements upfront. Tell potential bidders how much you intend to charge for shipping, to which countries you are willing to ship, if you will accept returns, or anything else that you might wish to specify. You really can't make things up as you go along. You have to get all requirements out there at the beginning.

If a potential buyer contacts you with a question then be sure to promptly respond. If you wait you may lose a much needed bidder. Also, be sure to be polite in your response as no question is too stupid to warrant anything other than but a courteous reply. Even if that person doesn't bid on your item they will certainly remember your pleasant attitude and that could mean a future sale.

The majority of buyers on eBay prefer to pay for their purchase via Pay Pal. That is why it is vital for you to accept this method of payment. Online payments these days are more secure, making it better to trade something without high risks of getting scammed. It is also beneficial to you as it eliminates the potential for bad checks or money orders.

After the sale most winning bidders will expect the seller to begin the completion of the transaction. Send an email, an invoice, alert the buyer when the item has shipped, and be sure to leave feedback after the transaction.

Making money is really a feat in the real world. But an exception in the online world comes eBay, learn to make a living or just having to raise your monthly earnings will make the best of it. It is an online community, your reputation is always important as eBay has its own system in rating people?s integrity as a buyer or seller. Follow these easy steps and see your money flow.

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Nick Niesen

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Nick Niesen
Joined: April 29th, 2015
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