How to Attract Friends with the Law of Attraction

Posted by Brian Miller on July 30th, 2017

Friendship is a truly priceless possession one may have in their life. It is something that most people desire. Many of us look at charming people always surrounded by hoard of friends and wonder how to attract friends like him or her. Fortunately, the law of attraction can now help us to know how to attract friends and enjoy their positive impacts in our life.

When we have good friends around us, we feel the assuring feeling of being wanted and loved. Before that, however, we have a word of caution for you. Judging a true friend is of utmost importance and it is better to have no friend around than to have negative people posing to be your friend and well wisher. But, once you practice the LOA you will fill your mind full of positivity and will never let someone having a negative state of mind come near you.

Reach out to the people around you physically and not only through your social media accounts. Do not isolate and insulate from people and if you wish to attract friendship you should put yourself among human beings. It is not very easy for a shy and introvert person but you can always make small step towards mingling with people. You may not be a great orator but it would of help to be a good listener too. Make a plan to spend some time with people around you every day.  

You should never shy away from accepting invitations. With age we develop mental blocks about it and that prevents us from gaining friendship and also maintaining it. The more you refrain yourself from invitations the more difficult it will become to break the ice next time. You can be choosy on accepting a social invitation but that does not mean you would reject all of them. When you reach halfway in the journey, people around will notice your effort and extend themselves to you.

If you seriously wish to learn how to attract friends you will have to rise above being judgemental. When you get into judging others, negative thought takes over your mind, and as a result of it, positive people move away from you. Judgement is a deterrent to developing friendship. LOA tells you how to attract friends by following simple steps of filling your mind with positivity and by accepting people as they are.

To have true and compassionate friendships we must bear the feeling for others and look for ‘something good in everyone you see’. We will tell you how to attract friends. It is with finding qualities in people around you. Be a friend to others and you will surely find reciprocation from them. Be kind to them, help them when they need it and show gratitude in receiving a favour. By following the law of attraction you will never have to roam in darkness to find your answer on how to attract friends. Be the friends to others and respect their individuality. Say kind words, show your positive attitude and create positive thoughts and visualise yourself among friends. You will find your visualisation turning into reality soon.

Law of attraction will teach you how to attract friends. Before you learn it, know why it is important to know how to attract friends which will be a motivating factor.

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Brian Miller

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Brian Miller
Joined: January 21st, 2016
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