5 Step Formula To Adwords And Pay-Per-Click Success

Posted by Nick Niesen on November 1st, 2010

If you're interested in profiting from Adwords, this may be the most important article you read today.

Here's why: I started a few years ago promoting one of my own business sites through Adwords and made a few thousand dollars every month, but at this time, Adwords was still in its infancy. However, the Adwords playing field has changed since those days and now there are two types of Adwords user, the savvy, and the losers. The losers will quickly figure out that dumping a load of Overture collected keywords into an Adgroup and setting a general CPC on all the keywords at once is definitely not the right way to go about it, and they complain claiming "Adwords is too difficult" and this is where many of them leave. However, those who decide to find out why their Adwords aren't pulling as well they want them to, will found out that the key to success is RELEVANCY. I will say this again, RELEVANCY is key, especially with Google.

Laser-targeted bring sales my friend, not traffic. This fact is pivotal in Adwords, and if you are targetting high traffic relevant keywords you are well on your way to raking in many sales with your Adwords campaigns.

Here is what you can do to find these highly targetted keywords:

1. Go to Google suggest: http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en

2. The Google suggest tool will show you relevant results as you type in a search term. Try it and see what you get. For example if I type in 'online dating', the tool will return a list of other keyword related to 'online dating'. However, the keywords are also shown in the order they are being searched.

3. Select the keyword which are relevant to what you are selling and put them into overture - http://inventory.uk.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/ - and Overture will give you a few more related terms.

4. Add all of the relevant keywords to a separate Adgroup and create a new Ad for this specific Adgroup.

5. Watch the relevant traffic roll in and your sales increase 'many-fold'!

Follow this method and you won't go far wrong.

There are some keyword research tools which facilitate this research process and automatically weed out the very low traffic keywords and help you in creating high click-thru ads and keywords. A few of these are very good, but many are useless.

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Nick Niesen

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Nick Niesen
Joined: April 29th, 2015
Articles Posted: 33,847

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