All you want to know about AML softwarePosted by tanyahushe47 on August 1st, 2017 To meet the legal requirements for financial institutions Anti-money laundering software is used. AML Software is used in thelegal and finance industries and other structuredbodiesto stopor informmoney launderingevents. Basically there are four kinds of AML software whichreportanti-money laundering. The first one iscustomer identity management systems, transaction monitoring systems, compliance management software andcurrency transaction reporting (CTR) systems. AML risk assessments strategiescame into importanceuniversallyfollowingthe September 11, 2001 violenceand the followingrepresentationof the PATRIOT Act USA in the United States and the formationof theFATF Financial Action Task Force on money laundering. Numerousstatesby 2010 worldwidecommandedfinancial institutesto investigate, supervise, and report transactions of a scepticalnature to the financial informationunit in their ownnation. The whole industry progressedaround offering Anti-money laundering software to analyse transactions in an effortto pinpointdealingsor patterns ofdealings, known asorganizing, which needs a SAR filing, or variousdubiouspatterns whichmeet the criteriafor SAR reporting. Financial bodiesface penalizationsfor failing to correctlyfile SAR and CTR reports, together withsupervisory restrictions and heavypenalties, even to the point of grantcancelation. Dealing with AML Transaction monitoring there are four basic kinds of software.Customer identity management systems thatverifymanynegative lists like OFAC and stand foran earlyand continuingpart of KYC Know your customerneeds. Automatedauthenticationcan evenensureagainst other databases to offer positive evidenceof ID for instancein the United Kingdomvotingmachine, the "share" recordused by credit agencies and the banks; calllists,post office delivery list and powersupplier lists. Transaction monitoring systems thatemphasison detectionof suspectpatterns of transactions thatmightgive rise tothe filing of Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) or Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs). Detectionof suspect(as conflictingtousual) dealingsis part of the KYCobligations. Currency Transaction Reporting (CTR) systems thattake care ofhugecash transaction reporting needsmeans ,000 and above in the United States.Compliance software to assistbusinessesmeet withAML regulatoryobligations; keepthe requiredverificationof compliance; and produceand record apttraining of relatedstaff.Moreover, it ought tohave audit tracksof compliance bureaucratsactivities specificallyrelatingto the supervisingof warningsraised against clientactivity. These Anti-money laundering risk assessments software applications excellentlycheckbank client transactions on a day-to-daybasis and, useaccount profile and clienthistorical info, give anentire picture to the bank management. Visit : Like it? Share it!More by this author |