Did You Know These 5 Interesting Facts About Greeting Cards?
Posted by Joy sam on August 3rd, 2017
Greeting cards are undoubtedly an ingrained part of the society. Sending out the everyday and seasonal greeting cards to friends, family, colleagues, and business associates is a trend that comes as naturally to us. However, as the time has passed and new technologies have transformed the world entirely, the traditional paper greeting cards are also being replaced by the e-cards as you can get the designer to print the customized greeting cards for you. But that doesn’t change the value of greeting cards at all. No matter the type, greeting cards are still the best way to extend your gratitude towards someone. The greeting card industry is diverse and has some of the interesting facts associated with it. In this article, we have rounded up the five fun facts about greeting cards that you might not be aware of. Take a look!
Americans the Biggest Greeting Card buyers
Americans have stayed loyal to their conventional ways of greeting each other. Despite the popularity of the e-cards, 6.5 billion greeting cards are bought by the Americans for different occasions. 80 percent of the total buyers are believed to be women.
Immense greetings led to the Advent of Greeting Cards
Greetings started with the ancient Egyptians and Chinese sending polite messages to each other on occasions. The trend continued till the 13th century when the Europeans realized there was a need to invent papers which ultimately led to the creation of the printing press and postage stamps in the 1800s.
Birthday Greeting Cards are the Best-Selling Cards of all time
Birthday greeting cards are the most demanded everyday cards of all time. They account for over half of the sales around the world. An average American, for instance, receives at least one card per year.
President Calvin Coolidge sent the First Christmas Greeting Card
You might not know but the first Christmas greeting card was extended from the White House by the then President, Calvin Coolidge, in the year 1927. The exchange of the seasonal cards has only increased over time with George W. Bush and Barack Obama has sent millions of Christmas cards to each other.
Pets make it to the Greeting Cards quite often
Needless to say, the pet owners treat their pets as a part of the family and do not shy away from introducing them to the world. According to the American Hospital Association survey, approximately 70 percent of the people include their pets’ names in the greeting cards.
Find out the reputable greeting cards wholesale suppliers online.
Author’s Bio: The author is an avid writer and this article shares five interesting facts about greeting cards.