Diamonds are the most popular stone in the world. It enjoys the craze and love of the people like no other stones. In the history, it was only India that produced a wide range of diamonds but with time many other countries have evolved for the production of diamonds. Many countries have invested their time and funds and has developed themselves as the leading producers of diamonds. The popularity of diamond can be seen in India as well where people are buying diamond jewelry on a large scale. The record purchase of Solitaire earrings in India are the clear proof of the popularity of diamonds in our country.
Seeing the craze and demand of diamonds in the world, many countries have started producing diamonds. According to the site, therichest, the following countries have emerged as the leading producers of diamonds in the recent years:
Russia: Russia tops the list of the countries that produce a high amount of diamonds in the world. Russia is very rich in its natural resources and therefore, becomes very favorable for the mining of the diamonds. Its geographical conditions also talk in favor of the country of producing the best diamonds in the world. In the year 2015, Russia has produced around 41.9 million diamonds and has secured the first position in the list.
Botswana: This is the second popular country that is known for producing the best diamonds. The country is known to 40% of the country's revenue through diamond mining. The mining industry has been owned by the government with 50% of shares. The country is also known to supply 20% to the global demand for diamonds. In the years 29015, the country has produced 20.8 million of diamonds.
The Democratic Republic of Congo: By producing 16 million diamonds in the year 2015, the country has gained the third position in the list of the countries that produce the best diamonds. The country has gained this position because of the presence of a lot of natural resources in it. Despite its small size, the country is rich in its natural resources and hence, produces around 19% of diamonds in response to the global demand and need of the diamonds.
Australia: Australia produced around 13.6 million diamonds in the year 2015 which made it secure the fourth position in the list. Australia is very popular and is known for its export industries dealing with wool, wheat, minerals, energy, etc. The country is very popular in the natural resources including coal, gold, iron ore and not to forget diamonds. The country contributes 13% to the demand of diamonds globally.
South Africa: South Africa is known as the place where world's largest diamond was found. The country is a favorite visiting country for many people who want to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. The country produced around 7.2 million of diamonds in 2015 and depends upon diamond mining for generating its revenue.