No Fax Cash Advance - Save Time With No Faxing Payday LoansPosted by Nick Niesen on November 8th, 2010 Are you looking for the most hassle-free way to get your payday or cash advance loan? Applying for and receiving your cash advance loan through a company online, is a good idea if you are looking for the easy way to get the loan done. Just make sure the company you go through is reputable so that you don't have to worry about spam or fraud with your loan application. Is It The Fastest Way? You may think that a faxless or paperless loan application process is the fastest way to get a payday loan. Its true that it can save you a trip to your local copy store, faxing the paperwork in. However, keep in mind that if a company offers a "no fax" application process, that might add an extra day or two until you actually get your loan money deposited into your bank account. Double check with the company you go through to be sure when you are going to get the cash deposited into your account. Who Offers A Faxless Application Process? Some payday or cash advance lenders online offer faxless application processes and some don't. Then, there are other companies who will give you a choice of either choosing the faxless process or of faxing in your verification papers. With the companies that offer both options, usually you will just need to wait longer to receive your cash deposit with the the fax free process. Compare Rates - Make sure you compare rates. If the companies that ask you to fax in your documents can offer you lower fees than the companies who offer you a faxless program, go the extra mile to fax in that paperwork. Fax Once, Thats It - Some companies will ask you to fax in the paycheck and bank statement verification the first time, but not for any following loans. It may be worth doing once, and then having the process quick and automated the other times you need a loan. Like it? Share it!More by this author |