Effective Content Marketing TechniquesPosted by kexconsulting on August 30th, 2017 The Most Effective Form of Content Marketing Do you have a blog to to distribute all the wonderful content your company has created and developed? If the answer is no, then you NEED a blog! Think of a blog as your home base for original content and as distribution center for your content marketing system. Plus blog marketing is a great way to enhance and maintain search engine optimization results. Blog marketing is one of the most popular and effective internet marketing techniques. Even if your company is extremely active on social media, creating a blog is important, perhaps even more important. Blog marketing allows you to establish, control and own your company’s brand image. Unlike social media marketing where you do not control all the content, with blog marketing your are able to control every aspect of your marketing message and establish your company as an authority on important topics to your business. Customers will look to your blog as a source of information which ultimately can influence behaviors and buying habits. Producing interesting, unique and engaging content will keep them coming back for more and help solidify your brand perception in the eye of the customer. Beyond the just written content, find ways to differentiate your blog. Use images, video, graphics, etc. to help it stand out. Informational graphics like charts and graphs are a great way to provide useful and easy to digest information to your readers. Blog marketing that includes multi-media content always performs better when compared to text only blogs. Blog marketing is directly connected to social media marketing. Blog and content marketing allow you to engage and interact with your customers much like social media therefore make it easy for readers to share all aspects of your blog post. If your blog marketing is just posting a blog but does not encourage distribution and sharing via social media sites, it will never realize its full potential. Remember a major focus of blog and content marketing is to increase visibility. Once you start a blog it is imperative you maintain it by consistently making post ( two to three times a week is great). Also if you have comments enabled, be sure to respond. You can actually do more damage by creating a blog but not maintaining it properly. If you fail to maintain your blog updated, you will lose your traffic, visibility and even the brand loyalty you worked so hard to build. Contact KEX today to learn more about our content and blog marketing services. For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Pet supplement labels, Vitamin label design, Vitamin label printing, Supplement label design&Supplement label printing Like it? Share it!More by this author |