Why You Should Get a Specific Dehumidifier for Boats

Posted by Bill Rowell on September 1st, 2017

Of all the places you might use a dehumidifier, the cabin of a boat might be the most important. Being surrounded by seawater, mist, and fog on a constant basis can lead to the interior of a boat to be uncomfortably damp and humid. Not only can excess moisture make the interior of your boat uncomfortable, it can also contribute to the growth of mildew and mold, putting your lungs (not to mention your food and clothing) at risk. Unlike your basement at home, however, it’s unlikely you will have a regular power supply while traveling at sea, meaning traditional electrical models are not viable here. Hope is not lost, though. Many companies now sell a type of non-electric dehumidifier for boats that can help deal with excess moisture in your cabin.

This type of dehumidifier for boats functions quite differently than electric models. Instead of using an electrical current to pull air through a condensation unit, a dehumidifier for boats contains either a tray full of crystals or pellets which attract moisture to the tray. The bottom of the tray is perforated and a small containment compartment below catches extraneous moisture that is pulled into the device by the crystals. The lower compartment can be removed and emptied as frequently as necessary.

Thankfully, these models are generally quite compact, so you don't need to worry about them taking up too much space in your cabin. They can easily be secured during motion as well, though they should be emptied for safety before moving quickly.

A dehumidifier for your boat is remarkably important. Too much moisture can lead to the growth of black mold, which, believe it or not, is a neurotoxin. While black mold is unlikely to kill you, short term exposure can cause respiratory issues, headaches, and more. Long term exposure can irritate mucous membranes including throat, lungs, eyes, and nose causing chronic cold-like symptoms. Additionally, long term exposure can cause severe fatigue and continual headaches.

Even if you have black mold under control, boat dehumidifiers can help deal with unpleasant odors that often plague boat cabins. Depending on the interior of your boat, this problem might be more severe than others. Sometimes, placing multiple smaller dehumidifiers can help, by controlling the moisture in multiple problem areas at once before the moisture can spread. For an example where this technique might be helpful, consider how dehumidifying the area outside of the head of a boat that contains a shower might considerably reduce the amount of overall moisture in the cabin.

Dehumidifiers can also make the general quality of life better in the cabin of your boat by reducing the damp and heavy feeling of humidity. Humidity is a major contributor to bad sleep, so if you are sleeping on your boat, having a few Dehumidifiers for Boats can not only make things more comfortable but can actually help you ensure you’re at your best on your trip. Losing sleep is never good, but it’s especially bad when you need to operate a boat.

Boat dehumidifiers are affordable, easy to use, and can greatly increase the quality of life inside your cabin. Whether you have a small sailing vessel with a minor cabin or a large yacht with living space within, keeping a few of these dehumidifiers on hand will surely improve your experience at sea.

If you’ve decided that boat dehumidifiers would help enhance your sea voyages, please come visit us today at www.rvupgrades.com. Our live chat experts can help you settle on the product that will work best for your fine vessel!

For more information about Digital Rv Thermostat and RV Dehumidifier Please visit : Rvupgradestore.

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Bill Rowell

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Bill Rowell
Joined: May 24th, 2017
Articles Posted: 17

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