How Much Service Fees to Expect from Escort Agencies in LondonPosted by williamriddle on April 11th, 2011 Looking for independent escorts is not easy. And you can say the same thing to the cost of services rendered by the escort agencies in London. These services are offered at a premium, but at least you can expect that their services are of the high class instead of the kind of alternative services that are offered by fly-by-night companies and groups. The escorts are trained not just in providing pleasure inside the bedroom but these are trained as well in the matters relating to customer service. So the next time you ring up the escort agencies in London and look for the independent escorts, then expect some amount to be set aside for some fun inside the bedroom or for simple dates and any forms of companionship. But how much money can you expect to shell out for this kind of fun? In general, the service fees will vary depending in the providers of independent escorts. In many cities and territories, the amount of services that can be charged against you will be dependent on a number of factors including the sexual attractiveness of the escorts, the amount of competition offered by the other providers in the city, the commissions that will be paid to the escort agency and the kind of ‘extra services’ that can be offered by the escorts. The most common practice is that the agency will charge the escorts with the flat fee, or the agency can settle for a percentage of the rate. The amount of the services fees will also vary depending on the city. For example, in New York City you can expect that the service fees for the independent escorts are higher. The latest figures show that the escorts in the Big Apple charge by the hour. From as low as 200 dollars an hour to a dizzying 1500 dollars per hour, customers can enjoy fund and relaxation the escort way. But in this kind of trade, the physical attributes of the escorts is not the main factor that makes the service fees high. What matters in this trade are the amount and the level of intimacy that can be offered by the escorts. It’s all about the ‘quality’ of the intimacy of the escorts. The more unique the intimacy is the better in this industry. And the clientele is more than willing to pay for that as well. In London on the other hand, the escort agencies in London offer a slightly different way of charging their customers. Some of the leading escort agencies in London offer a different ‘price table’. For example, you can find rates for an hour, for ninety minutes, for two hours or for an overnight stay. And when you get to exceed the agreed timeframe for the fun and escort service, then some of these service providers also has a price add-on for every additional hour spent by the independent escorts. At least this kind of pricing scheme is a win-win solution to both parties involved. If you are looking to hire escort agencies in LOndon, then keep in mind that there is a price range which you should know. This is the range independent escorts follow and which you should follow as well. Like it? Share it!More by this author |