Where to Find Wordpress Theme Coupon CodesPosted by dwspriyanka on May 30th, 2011 All people having free wordpress themes would like to upgrade their theme to premium at some time. Upgrading to premium theme comes at a cost and most people are greatly concerned with the cost. If you are in this category of people, you do not have to worry anymore; you can easily find wordpress theme coupon codes which will greatly reduce the cost of upgrading. There are several sites where you can get great deals on coupon codes for example; wordpresscouponcode.com This is a site which ensures that all people wanting to upgrade their wordpress themes to premium do so at discounted costs. Wordpress theme coupon codes are offered for almost any theme you choose to upgrade to. Discounts range from 14% to 50% of the entire cost depending on the theme chosen. The good thing about the coupon codes offered at this site is that they do not expire. You can get these great discounts all year through. Well, if you would like to upgrade your theme, why not try wordpresscouponcode.com; you will get discounted prices at any time of the year. Ashout.com At ashout.com, you can get wordpress theme coupon codes at unimaginable prices. This is usually dependent on the time of the year. Ashout.com mostly offers these coupon codes during special occasions. For example, this year during Easter, ashout.com had a promotion that catered for as high as 50% of the entire upgrading cost. Any person who wanted to take advantage of this offer had to visit the site, choose the favourite theme and click on purchase. At that point, the person was redirected to the shopping cart where they were supposed to enter the word Easter at the space provided for coupon code. Going through this procedure guaranteed 50% price cut for upgrading to premium. This site usually has such deals several times a year when there are holidays and special occasions. You can check their site during such times and enjoy the great discounts. The only disadvantage of this site is the fact that you cannot access these discounts all the time. In addition to these two sites, there are many other sites that offer wordpress theme coupon codes. Most of these discounts expire after some time. All in all, whether the discounts expire or not, you should make a point of taking advantage of these discounts. All you have to do is keep checking the different forums for any suggestions. In order to find out more on WordPress Theme Design and similar web design or webmaster related resources, check out Design Contest which is an online service where you can run a contest to get multiple designs for different services. Like it? Share it!More by this author |