How a Naturopath can treat your methylation issues with MTHFR treatment

Posted by Joanne kennedy on October 23rd, 2017

Many women suffer from infertility issues and have trouble getting pregnant. Infertility is medically defined as the inability to biologically conceive after one year of regular intercourse or the inability to carry a pregnancy to term. Numerous factors can play a role in causing infertility, including the age of the mother, birth defects, sperm disorders, and ovulation issues.

Infertility causes stress and depression, which can worsen a person’s condition. One way to reduce the stress of infertility and work towards resolving the issue is through accessing as much information as possible about your health. In a situation like this where couples often feel powerless, seeing a Naturopath about your fertility issues can help you determine the underlying cause of your infertility.

Although infertility can be caused by problems with a male’s sperm, more than half of infertility cases are attributed to female health including ovulation problems, uterine problems, and previous tubal ligation. Your doctor may be able to assist you in figuring out what may be causing your infertility by asking some questions about your menstrual cycle and ovulation patterns. Sometimes, however, further testing is needed to identify what is causing your infertility.

Another common cause of infertility and miscarriage is inadequate methylation in the body. Methylation is a vital part of the body's natural process to detox the body. It also regulates hormones and neurotransmitters. Symptoms of poor methylation can range from, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart problems, and blood sugar problems with symptoms differing from person-to-person. In the process of methylation, the two copies of the MTHFR gene in our bodies produces an enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. The production of this enzyme plays a significant role in processing amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins.

If you think some of your symptoms could be an indication that you have methylation issues, you can visit a Naturopath for effective MTHFR treatment. Sydney Naturopath, Joanne Kennedy is a degree qualified and highly experienced Naturopath. Specialising in MTHFR treatment and pregnancy preparation, she helps men and women improve their health through combating health issues including depression, infertility, women’s hormone issues, and anxiety. For further information about Joanne Kennedy’s practice and to book an appointment, visit her website.

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Joanne kennedy

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Joanne kennedy
Joined: July 18th, 2017
Articles Posted: 34

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