The New Internet Part - IPosted by thenewinternet on November 27th, 2017 Why Did The US Government Hand Over DNS Why did the US Government hand over DNS and why is it important? Many people do not understand the Internet past surfing Facebook and placing orders on Amazon. The hard truth is that America is loosing the knowledge that built the Internet because schools are forgetting to teach the basics to their students. Soon enough only hackers will have this foundation of knowledge and what a disaster that will be for the Internet. Did you know that DNS stands for Domain Name Protocol and the US Government has been overseeing it since the creation of the Internet until October 1st 2016. A “global multi-stakeholder community” will now be taking over according to the US Government. How does DNS work? It pairs the easy to remember web addresses like – with their relevant IP addresses like which then allows the internet to route your data to the right servers. Without DNS the internet would stop working, unless you wanted to start typing out extremely long IP Addresses which are composed of a long string of random numbers. An example of the power ICANN now how is if you wanted to visit the popular site but instead of routing you to the famous search page, you could be routed to a new company instead. This is a major issue and a lot of power to hand over to a private company. It could be even worse than just a simple reroute, just think about the recent DNS attacks last week. Major websites like Twitter, SoundCloud, Spotify and Shopify were disabled because of the DDOS attack on DNS. As I mentioned earlier, the government no longer has control of DNS so more outages of a greater magnitude are a serious possibility. Some US politicians are arguing against handing over control of the Internet. Many people worry it is opening the door for China and Russia to meddle with a system that has always been protected by the US. The Internet is in better hands being protected by the United Nations, not a private company. Internet Identity is defined as “The ability for individuals to interact online without sacrificing their personal privacy is a vital part of the Internet’s value, and is intimately related to its trustworthiness.” [1] In my opinion, this is what is wrong with Internet today. Anonymity seemed like a great idea when the Internet was first created, but quickly, this privilege was abused. Many people and groups use the Internet to mislead consumers, lure children into joining terrorist groups, or scam your parents and friends out of money with enticing email campaigns. I believe the Internet will help move mankind forward. This is only possible if the New Internet holds each and every user accountable. Like it? Share it!More by this author |