Organic Farming Can Offset the Environmental Effects of Conventional Methods
Posted by Forage Complete on December 4th, 2017
The farming industry is currently at a crossroads. Farmers across the globe are weighing the pros and cons of continuing with conventional farming methods—including genetically-engineered crops, chemical-based fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides and a general disregard for environmental effects—and those of transitioning to organic systems. Some believe that, from a supply-standpoint, it is important to stick with traditional methods that can feed more people. An increasing number of scientists and experts, however, understand that a shift to organic farming is essential from health, environmental and sustainability perspectives.

Research shows that organized farming has existed since around 8,500 BC, when humans started to grow barley, wheat, lentils and other crops. Until this time, people survived by hunting animals and gathering plants. Though the fundamental processes—cultivate, plant, grow and harvest—has remained, farming has gone through innumerable transformations…for better or for worse. For example, it is an undeniable fact that chemical-based fertilizers have led to today’s higher yields but, when long-term effects on consumers’ health and soil, water and other environmental components are factored, it becomes clear that a price has been paid.
Most consumers now understand how the chemicals in fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides can affect their health. In 1970’s “Big Yellow Taxi,” Joni Mitchell sang “Hey farmer, farmer, put away that DDT now; Give me spots on my apples but leave me the birds and the bees.” This lyric perfectly sums up how many feel about chemicals on their food, that they are willing to accept imperfections in exchange for a healthier world around them. Chemicals rapidly deteriorate soil quality, pollute the underground water supply, diminish production quality and reduce overall nutritional value. With environmental concern at an all-time high, humankind cannot afford to stick to the traditional farming practices of farming which exploit the soil, water and greater environment.
Farmers interested in reversing the environmental effects of conventional farming techniques often choose to plant organic alfalfa and cover crops. Each introduces unique benefits such as water retention, protection from wind and water erosion, improved nutritional value, suppression of weeds and pests and more.
Farmers everywhere know that the market’s finest alfalfa, corn, cover and other crops are available exclusively from Forage Complete. Forage Complete is committed to amalgamating the latest developments in technology and genetics with some of the industry’s highest quality standards to bring superior seeds to its valued partners. Its varieties of specialized alfalfa seeds, for example, are ideal for both seed grazing and hay production.
About Forage Complete:
Forage Complete takes great pride in being among the top suppliers of organic seed products. From seed grazing alfalfa seed and clover to corn and Bokito radish, it supplies a wide range of sustainable agriculture seeds and related products. In addition to its signature line of high-quality seed products, Forage Complete is the exclusive retailer of NuTech seeds in Washington, Utah, Idaho and Oregon.
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