Launch your tests Using TestNG and Selenium

Posted by Infocampus HR on December 14th, 2017

In the event that you have to run your tests in a particular request, you can either characterize test conditions between strategies/gatherings or set TestNG to run your techniques in a similar request you have indicated. Everything should be possible by means of comments or through a XML document.

In this post, we will cover the accompanying points:

  • How to display your experiment
  • How to utilize TestNG setup techniques with parameters
  • How to design the TestNG XML record to run tests in a particular request
  • How to introduce the TestNG Eclipse module
  • How to influence the test to outline somewhat better for what's to come

Here we go!

1) Modeling your experiment:-

Before composing an experiment, you have to know how and what will be approved.

  • Go to
  • Enter "administrator" in the "Username" field
  • Enter "demo123″ in the "Password" field
  • Click on the "Sign In"
  • Verify that the content "Howdy, administrator" is available
  • Click on the "Posts" interface
  • Click on the "Include New"
  • Type "Selenium Demo Post" in the title field
  • Click on the "Distribute"
  • Verify that the content "Post distributed" is available

Thinking about this situation, the primary thing that strikes a chord is making a long experiment that experiences every one of the means. This may be a decent approach on the off chance that you are composing a manual experiment. In any case, since we are composing a computerized test, we need to compose our content as particular as conceivable to have the capacity to reuse parts of it in future situations.

This is the way I would separate the test:

  • Launch the WordPress site
  • Open the Admin Login page
  • Enter substantial login information
  • Navigate to the Write Post page
  • Write the post
  • Publish the post
  • Verify that it was really posted

2) Configuration strategies:-

In the event that you know about unit testing systems, you presumably think about the setup and teardown strategies. TestNG goes past that thought and enables you to characterize techniques that will be pursued or before your test suites, test gatherings or test strategies.

This is exceptionally helpful for our Selenium tests since you can make a Selenium server and program occasion before you begin running your test suite. Individuals frequently grumble about the program window being opened before each test or not having the capacity to run the Selenium server automatically in light of the fact that don't think about this :)

3) Creating the XML document:-

Presently, to characterize the request of the tests, we should make a XML document posting the test strategies we might want to run. Ensure that the test techniques are commented on with @Test, or else the TestNG motor won't conjure them.

4) Installing the TestNG Eclipse module:-

We wrapped up our tests, now how might we run them?

You can dispatch TestNG from the charge line, utilizing an Eclipse module or even programmatically. We will utilize the Eclipse module.

Take after the means depicted on the authority TestNG documentation here. There is no reason for copying this data.

On the off chance that you introduced TestNG accurately, right tap on the XML record. Tap on "Keep running as TestNG Suite" and your test will begin running.

5) Thinking about what's to come:-

Anyway, as the quantity of tests in your test suite develops, you will find that gathering them in various test classes is a smart thought. On the off chance that you do that, you can exploit protest arranged programming and make another class named BaseTest (for instance), and leave your design rationale there. That way, every test class must broaden the BaseTest class and utilize static traits.

It shows improvement over leaving your arrangement strategies in the test class, isn't that right?

TestNG gives effective arrangement techniques and adaptability to give you a chance to do essentially whatever you need with your tests. The objective of this post was to acquaint you with TestNG and some fundamental ideas, just to start your advantage.

About Author:

Learn selenium and get placed in testing field. Selenium training is available at Infocampus. Infocampus is a best selenium training institute in Bangalore. It offers training on selenium with manual and java course. Practical emphasized selenium classes will be conducted with 100% placement assistance. Contact 9738001024 to get much more details on selenium courses or visit

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Infocampus HR

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Infocampus HR
Joined: December 10th, 2016
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