My SOL Business Intelligence Tools: Get an Insight

Posted by Mike Shah on December 20th, 2017

The idea of big data is something that most modern organizations are ready to embrace whole-heartedly. However, harnessing the true power of this data that is generated in truly humungous volumes by an enterprise on a daily basis, is a challenge that is still ongoing. Even for companies that excel with compliance and business data storage requirements, extracting meaningful intelligence from the collected information becomes a tough obstacle to overcome. Strong data is one thing – using it to gain actionable business insights from the same is quite another. This is where MySQL based business intelligence tools come into play. These systems allow an enterprise to collect, process and visualize critical business data in order to support smarter, quicker and more accurate decision making. Good decisions are what steer an organization towards growth and prosperity and MySQL business intelligence tools can prove to be the key that will unlock that steering wheel! Need to know more? This article will share everything with you: 


The first and most important functions of MySQL business intelligence tools is to help enterprises in discovering the information resource they possess and understanding just how useful it can prove to be for business strategy and innovation. During the course of its operations, a business generates vast pools of data that is saved in multiple databases and external applications and is available in disparate forms. The job of MySQL business intelligence tools is to make this data accessible in one central location while standardizing storage metrics, sorting parameters and quality variables for further analysis. 


Data monitoring is the next function where MySQL business intelligence tools come in handy. The purview of this function is twofold – first to allow key stakeholders to access data collected from different sources and present it in an actionable manner for fast and accurate decision making. This can be through automated or manual report generation in the form of charts, diagrams, scatter plots, graphs, tables and other complex display formats that may be relevant for the problem at hand. Second, MySQL business intelligence tools are also geared towards monitoring data displayed in dashboards and reports in a way that it becomes relevant to your requirements. Interactive dashboards allow users to fully understand dynamic data and its many layers of meaning and relevance, thereby helping you in identifying trends and patterns, filtering out unimportant metrics and presenting crisp and clear information for better understanding what is going on. 


Finally, MySQL business intelligence tools are meant to help multiple stakeholders in a business set up to collaborate on their data analytics projects and share vital data with each other for more pervasive decision making and execution. This allows for quicker and more streamlined communication while ensuring that the data being shared remains sacrosanct in terms of quality, security and integrity. When different key personnel across various levels of an organization’s structure get access to relevant information in the nick of time, decisions become infallible leading to reduced losses and better capitalization of opportunities. Reports generated by the system can be imported and exported securely across various formats while maintaining user access protocols, authentication parameters and other means to ensure information security. 

About the Author: 

This article is written by Manish Shah, the CEO of Datasparc Inc. DBHawk is a self-service business intelligence, and a web-based database management software developed by Datasparc.

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Mike Shah

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Mike Shah
Joined: January 14th, 2016
Articles Posted: 15

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