Tips for Buying Rolls Royce Silver Shadow
Posted by Flying Spares on December 26th, 2017
The Silver Shadow is a very popular classic Rolls Royce models that is available in the market today. It began a new era in Rolls Royce history, completely updating the structure and design with more innovative technology of the time. This is was also the first model to make use of disc brakes; it was also the first to adopt the monologue, or Body Frame Integral (BFI), chassis structure which is being used by the cars of today. Similar to any new design innovation, this model also had some model specific problems that which you should take into consideration when buying one of these vintage beauties today.
- Rear Suspension: This model introduced independent rear suspension which came about as definite improvement on the old live axel design. However, its body/suspension attachment was not the most durable. When subjected to unusual force or corrosion the connection could sever, uncoupling the trunnion and in certain circumstances also detaching the entire rear end of the vehicle. You need to worry about this as a full-service repair and restoration company can strengthen or replace the rear suspension attachment so that you can drive worry free.
- Heat Sensor: Its sensor heat engine was improperly set on the early Rolls Royce Silver Shadow. When the problem was detected it indicated that there was a serious problem, as heat damage was already underway. Luckily after checking as well as in resetting the sensitivity for a professional is an easy fix as they are used to working with these cars.
- Hydraulic System Oddity: In the Silver Shadow hydraulic system an idiosyncrasy in was that a simple leaking valve resulted in the brake drag when the driver's side door was open.
- Steering: Pinion and Rack: In some of its models, the four setscrews which fixed the mounting frame for the steering rack to the sub-frame, the two screws that join the steering rack, the four nuts and bolts that attach the engine front mount to the sub-frame and the inner ball joint bracket apart from the three countersunk screws that keep the steering wheel attached to its hub may not have been tightened properly during the manufacturing process. A professional mechanic is the one who is able to the nuts and screws so that your classic Bentley GT properly keeps running properly.
You should not be bogged down with the list provided above; however, the early model Silver Shadows can be brought to spec more easily when compared with the other vintage Rolls Royce models. By analyzing thorough check to the vehicle's maintenance, you can come to know about the potential problems and repairs you'll need to address. For instance wheel arch rusting is a very common issue amongst all vintage vehicles which you will come across on its history. It will be possible to repair the wheel arches with metal or plastic. However, plastic is a temporary fix that lasts for only some weeks before rusting begins again.