What is a Quadcopter drone and where it is being applied?
Posted by dronessale on December 29th, 2017
Drones are the latest toys for both business and entertainment, though the later is what comes to mind when you think about drones. We have seen drones flying across enemy lines and sending back information on movies and also have read in news papers about drones dropping bombs on enemy countries. Drones can be fun and the Quadcopter drone with its four wings is the latest flying toy that both the above mentioned sectors seek out. What is a Quadcoper? It is a multirotor helicopter that lifts up verticially and is propelled by its propellers or rotors and unlike the fixed wings of an aircraft the quadcoper has vertically oriented set of rotors numbering four.
What is the use of buying a quadcopter? Quadcopters that we see on TVs are small sizes are put in many applications that can vary from sports to research, reconnaissance to agriculture, and manufacturers have found more users for the smaller sized quadcopters such in law enforcement agencies, journalism, and aerial photography. Military services extensively use them for spying and surveillance of military operations. Using a quadcopter a crime inprogress can be easily tracked and the culprits pinned down and police forces all over the world have now started using them to detect and prevent crime. Of course you can also buy it for recreational purposes and can fly it with friends in competition.
Photography is another field that has found use for the quadcopter drone as they are fitted with high definition cameras that can shoot both videos and photos and are fitted with GPS system and automatic obstacle avoidance feature. The quadcopter can also be used to shoot telescopic images and in the US it has been extensively used in aerial imagery photography and the autonomous nature of the copters makes them extremely suitable for the purpose. News events are now tracked down by drones and media have started using them to verify news as it progresses and accordingly report them. Film industry uses the quadcopter with great effects and shots that were impossible to take earlier now are being shot effortlessly using them. The smaller sized copter drones are being put in use by fliers who fly them for fun and you can participate in the fun by ordering one for you from online sources.