Runescape Quest Guide - Demon Slayer

Posted by maying on January 3rd, 2018

Happy New Year - Runescapegoldfast


Speak with Gideon bede at the abbey arctic of the Varrock Museum. He will acquaint you that a Zamorakian monk, alleged Denath, is attempting to arouse a demon which could abort Varrock. Gideon afresh asks you to admission the alone brand able of acquisition the demon while he advance down Denath.

Note: The easiest way to ability Varrock is by application the Varrock lodestone or the Varrock teleport spell (requires 25 Magic).

Enter the catacombs beneath by aggressive down the trapdoor south of Gideon. Already central the catacombs, airing arctic until you arise to 3 alcohol continuing in foreground of Silverlight, which is adequate by a bewitched barrier. Allege with any of the alcohol about the brand and they will acquaint you that you accept to canyon 3 altered tests in adjustment to affirmation the sword.

Note: If at any point you log out while central of the catabcombs, you will reappear next to the trapdoor central of the church.

Step into the eastern allowance and allege with The Spirit of Apperception to alpha the aboriginal test. The spirit will ask you several questions which you will allegation to acknowledgment accurately in adjustment to canyon the test. If you accept answered accurately to all of them, the spirit will acquaint you that you accept anesthetized the assignment and accept a focused mind. The answers to anniversary of the questions are as follows:

Why are you in this place? I seek the Silverlight.

What is Silverlight? A brand that slays demons.

Why do you crave a brand that slays demons? A able demon threatens Varrock.

Who is this demon? Delrith.

Who sends you to affirmation Silverlight and activity Delrith? Gideon bede.

Go into the arctic allowance and allocution with the Spirit of Acceptance to appoint in the next trial. You will be adapted to airing beyond a abysmal abysm assertive not your eyes, but your faith. Yield one footfall at a time, affective into the administration the spirit tells you to (North, East, West, or South). If you accept beyond the chasm, you accept anesthetized the balloon and may run aback normally, aback your acceptance is able abundant to acquiesce walking wherever you wish to.

Note: If you yield a amiss step, you abatement into the abysm and will accept to alpha over.

For the third and the final test, go into the western chamber, breadth the Spirit of the Physique awaits. Allege with the spirit to alpha the test, which will crave you to annihilate 10 Skeletons (level 2), that all use Ranged attacks. Defeat the enemies to complete the task.

Return to the centermost of the catacombs and allege with the spirits, who will acquaint you that you accept anesthetized the tests and are accessible to complete the task. The alcohol will banish and the bewitched barrier will vanish, acceptance you to yield Silverlight. Yield the brand and leave the catacombs.

Return to breadth Gideon bede was and aces up and apprehend the annal on the floor. The annal will acquaint you that he has amid Denath in the caverns beneath the Abbey of Zamorak, abreast Aubury's rune boutique in south-east Varrock. Arch south to the abbey and ascend down the trapdoor, alfresco adapted next to its entrance. You will accept to activity your way through several apartment absolute Zamorakian monks (level 2). Accumulate affective eastwards, until you ability the corner, and afresh about-face south.

In the north-western room, you will accost Denath, who will arouse Delrith (level 15) afore you are able to stop him. Equip Silverlight and advance the demon. During the battle, he will alpha charging a bewitched attacks and bawl "Prepare to be incinerated!" afore he attacks with it. Use this as a cue to run to Gideon bede, who will actuate a absorber about him that will avert a lot of of the blow from the blast.

Note: While beneath the shield, Delrith's bewitched attacks are still able of ambidextrous up to 1000 damage. If his bewitched attacks hit you while not beneath the shield, he will annihilate you in one hit. It is accordingly brash to about-face the Protect from Abracadabra adoration as it partly blocks those attacks. Aswell if you are cutting abounding Armadyl or a Saradomin item, you will not be able to accord any blow to Delrith.

Once you accept asleep Delrith, the tunnels will alpha caving in and you will automatically be teleported to the Varrock abbey with Gideon bede. Allege to him afresh to affirmation your reward.

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